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Everything posted by Darren.

  1. Actually in Yorktown, but close enough! People keep telling me to hit the flats out in Poquoson, but I just haven't made the effort yet. Need to. But yeah, the skeeters are very bad in POQ, I'd argue worse than in YKTN or NN!
  2. Welcome aboard!. Spawn is coming soon!! Hang in there
  3. Holy cow that's awesome!! I can see that as useful for me. I remember when learning bottom fishing long pole technique from an elderly Korean man, he was trying to thread a hook but kept missing it. I helped him, but inside I laughed and felt sad for him at the same time. It was so easy for me to see the eye and get the 6lb test line thru it. That is until the first time it happened to me after my eyes started "the change" after I turned 40.... These things find a way to come back and bite you in the butt, LOL.
  4. If standing is a priority, you have pretty much upped your price/budget in order to get one that is super-stable. Now we all have different points of balance, centers of gravity, and so on. I'm shorter, so my center is lower. I have great balance in my Native Ultimate 12, and can stand and fish in pretty rough waters (white caps, high winds) without any fear of tipping. Your best bet is to find a kayak store near you and see if they have any yaks you can demo. OR, you can always add pontoons afterward that can enhance your ability to stand. So either of the options already suggested are good. You can also pound the pavement (so to speak) and look for a used Native Ultimate 12, a Wilderness Systems Ride, Wilderness Systems Commander, a Jackson Cuda, etc. These are all made for standing and fishing.
  5. Welcome aboard!
  6. Welcome aboard, Josue. Best advice would be to read the articles on this site. There's a wealth of information for beginners and pros alike. Oh, if you are near a Dick's Sporting Goods, you can pick up some very decent spinning combos right in your price range. The Daiwa Samurai combo is very good, comes spooled with 10 pound mono.
  7. Hi David, welcome aboard!
  8. Hear hear. RIP Spock.
  9. He will be deeply missed. RIP Spock. You have been, and always shall be, our friend.
  10. Hi Bob! Welcome aboard!
  11. Was looking at the reel last night online. For me it has an element of "cool" in terms of looks. Just doesn't float my boat enough to buy one -- even if it were made by Shimano
  12. Braid + leader for everything. Braid is pricey, and I cut a lot less of it off when changing out leaders as opposed to changing out hooks through the day. And what RW said is so true. I've found lures out there with attached braid so thick I could have used it as climbing rope, LOL.
  13. Heartfelt condolences. Great memories to cherish forever.
  14. Indeed, I can appreciate it! I have both left my PFD AND my tackle at home before!! Made for a "not much to do" trip that day, if it weren't for my wife brining them to me!
  15. Just don't forget your PFD, and your tackle.
  16. I'm jealous. Not for the fishing spots, but the JDM shopping spots, LOL. Get to Lake Biwa if you can. There's a lunker just waiting for you!
  17. I use MF, MXF, and MH for TX rigging. 6'6" is the longest I currently fish.
  18. Well, there are some lovely places in Virginia, too. Have a look at Smith Mountain Lake. We've vacationed there, and it is a haven for a number of fish species, and there are beautiful spots to retire.
  19. Welcome aboard, Fred! This is the best bass forum on the web for learning the craft, at least in my opinion!
  20. Welcome aboard!
  21. Welcome aboard!
  22. Nice! Love Harry Potter!
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