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Everything posted by Darren.

  1. I second this. Thanks to some tips from 21Farms I was able to upgrade both of my 50e's to 7.0:1 reels for about $34. On top of that, I added HawgTech ABEC7 bearings last year. These baby's rock now. Very happy with the upgrades. Might entertain more in the future as I'm invested in them for the long-term. <eye twitches>
  2. They look good. I think they'd get hit.
  3. Welcome aboard!
  4. What about using a longer FC leader? Gary Yamamoto talks about using 25 or so foot leaders....
  5. Congrats! Good catch.
  6. You'll get plenty of different responses. Me? I use braid for mainline and always use a leader of varying pound test. Problems eliminated. Connection knot should be either an Albright or uni-to-uni. I have 100% confidence in my connection knots, and even caught my PB of 7.5 in thick salad on a bait- caster setup with a 10lb leader.
  7. Excellent! Congrats to y'all!
  8. In a word, and in my opinion...no. I have a 600 yard spool of 4 lb test and it is stronger than rated, more like a good 6 lb test line. But I don't use it except for certain situations, i.e., when I feel like it, LOL. I use regular YZH and like it as a leader much better than the soft.
  9. Welcome aboard, Andrew!
  10. Congrats
  11. Welcome aboard, DJ!
  12. Another vote for anchor trolleys - one on each side. My next purchase for my yak will be a trolly for the left side. Many can get away with a 24' retractible dog leash and a heavy 24" section of chain, or a dumbbell, or some sort of anchor. My reservoirs are maybe 20' at the deepest when flooded. That said, a drift sock is another option. Or, do what I did and set up a trolling motor helps a lot with the wind. However, wind can still frustrate the daylights out of me, so there's no perfect solution to stay put or stay sane in windy conditions, LOL.
  13. Welcome aboard, Bill! Some good waters down on the Southside, they say!
  14. Welcome aboard!
  15. Welcome aboard, and happy birthday - in 7 days, that is!
  16. I'll either switch hands or pitch the bait. Never gotten the hang of roll casting, maybe because I need to be higher up than I can stand in my kayak...not sure.
  17. Hello and welcome aboard!
  18. Welcome aboard!
  19. Man, that's a beautiful reel.
  20. Good grief that's a beast!
  21. Welcome aboard!
  22. Softies all the time. Incredible, productive. Love 'em
  23. I'd say laydowns, tree stumps, grass.
  24. Welcome aboard, Justin!
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