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Everything posted by Darren.

  1. Nice paint job!
  2. Well done! Quick thinking.
  3. Largest and best! Welcome aboard!
  4. Hi Bill, welcome aboard!
  5. Welcome aboard!
  6. Welcome aboard!
  7. Welcome aboard!
  8. Sweet-looking rod!
  9. That really depends, Chris. If you have a lot of blue-tail skinks running around, you could try black with blue tail lizards. Hard to go wrong with "standard" colors like watermelon, green pumpkin, black. For me, lizards are more successful during the spawn than other times of the year. I've had most success with Zoom's Watermelon Gold.
  10. Indeed. Rex's hire of Roman will hopefully be a boon for the Bills' offense. I like where we are headed this offseason. Can't wait for the season to start!!
  11. Da Bills!
  12. 580G Brine, Amber lenses.
  13. Congrats!
  14. And he's always interacting with folks on his forum. Very helpful guy. Shows are top notch fun to watch.
  15. But as I think about it, the gearing is just a round gear. Why is it "right or left". I mean, you should simply be able to flip it over for either side. Man, either my stupid is showing tonight, or I'm on to something. Let's hope it's the latter. LOL
  16. Why do people like you tell me things like this!!!?? I am *TRYing* to justify things to my wife, and then someone comes along and suggests higher gear ratios. LOL. Dadgummit, man! I frequent Japan Tackle, too. Never noticed the gear section. Doggonnit. *PHEW* no right-handed gears in stock. I'm safe for now.
  17. First off, welcome aboard! Second "Bills Fan" gives you points on my board, so long as you mean the BUFFALO BILLS!!! I use leader line for all my fishing, anywhere from 4-15 lb test. I don't face the pike you have up north much down here, but I catch plenty of Pickerel. Rarrely lost a Pick, and actually have caught most on 8lb test. My braided mainline is 10lb on spinning and 20lb on baitcasting. So no, you don't have to match your braid.
  18. PB = happiness! Well done! No pic? Hey, it's in your head. Next one, you'll have your phone.
  19. My advice, get the 51, upgrade the gears to 7.0:1 and life is awesome.
  20. Welcome aboard!
  21. The 50/51 size is excellent for "normal" size lures.
  22. Welcome aboard!
  23. Welcome aboard, Bobby!
  24. Fantastic job and a hearty congrats to Aiden!
  25. Welcome aboard!
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