Don't apologize for protecting your family/pets!
I would do the same if the situation called for it.
Otherwise I'd grab some snake tongs, bag it and
take it to a game warden or to the middle of no-
where to release it.
For me it is more people who go out of their way
to run over a snake, turtle, or any animal. Or who
kill every living thing just because.
I've seen too many knuckleheads swerve to pop
a turtle or snake on local roads to make me sick.
Knowing what is slithering around your property
is half the battle. Properly identifying venomous
versus non-venomous is good to know if you live
in areas prone to snake populations. I'm sure you
agree, as you know what you're looking at.
I didn't mean to hijack the thread. I was sort of
tongue-in-cheek about the whole thing, though
I am a bit of a conservationist.