I know many of you here pray, and send positive
thoughts in times of emergency....
My Mom suffered a stroke, pretty severe, this morning
and the prognosis, though early, is not good.
I'm the youngest of 5 kids, I'm 45, almost 46. My Mom
was doing great the other day, and I hugged her, rubbed
her shoulders, told her how much I loved her.
Today, she is intubated, has severe damage to parts of
her brain that controls language, speech, understanding.
Emotions have been up and down and down again.
I'm just sharing this to ask for prayers for my Mom, my Dad,
who's "okay" but he's not processed it fully just yet, I think.
They've been married for 63 years, I believe. This is a shock
to him.
She's a wonderful woman, has put up with me her whole life,
Thanks everyone in advance.