Completely understand your concerns
over a motorized yak. Personally, I was
also concerned, but realized the amount
of exercise I was actually getting was
minimal. Granted, I wasn't pedaling, using
the biggest muscles in my body.
I also have a Native Ultimate 12 which is
only about 55 pounds w/o the setup. With
the motorized setup (which I usually leave
hooked up), it's maybe 25 pounds heavier.
I bought a 25 pound deep-charge wheel
chair battery (AGM) that saves plenty of
space and weight.
If I had to do it again, I'd buy the Ultimate
12 FX and motorize it. Light, easy to paddle
and a blast to fish out of. But that's me...
I still like the idea of a pedal-yak, but that
won't come anytime soon for me.
The new Propel-drive Native kayaks are
much more efficient than previous models,
require less effort and better seating to
pedal. You still have to deal with weeds,
that goes for both Hobie and Native.
There are some really good reviews out there
comparing the two side-by-side, both styles
of pedal systems have advantages and