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Everything posted by Darren.

  1. Hi Christian, welcome aboard!
  2. Happy day, Kent!
  3. Dang. I'll be really impressed when someone shows a picture of hooked plankton!
  4. Welcome aboard!
  5. Welcome!
  6. Welcome aboard!
  7. Welcome aboard, Jake!
  8. Little girl catches a 5 pounder on a barbie pole. Great video. Sorry if already been posted. I did a quick search and came up zeros.... http://mashable.com/2015/09/24/adorable-girl-barbie-fishing-pole/?utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Mashable+%28Mashable%29&utm_cid=Mash-Prod-RSS-Feedburner-All-Partial&utm_medium=feed&utm_source=feedburner#NEh9wgcM7ZqZ
  9. Good luck with your diet, man. My wife and I use MyFitnessPal on our iPhones which basically tracks the calories we consume. Add in exercise and I lost 30 pounds, but added a few over the summer with birthday parties, etc. Back to tennis, walking and disciplined calorie tracking for me. A buddy of mine got taken off his depression meds which he's been on for 20+ years after he went on a Ketogenic diet and lost 24 pounds... FWIW.
  10. Hi Tom, welcome aboard!
  11. Welcome aboard!
  12. Welcome aboard!
  13. Hi Evan, welcome aboard!
  14. Welcome aboard, Jeff!
  15. Snakes are a hobby for my sons and me. I've seen plenty while out fishing. Never caught a bass with one *visible* in its gullet, but I have no doubts snakes are on the menu. And that pic of the head peeking out - not a Copperhead. Agree that it looks more like a garter, or even a young water snake. I need to find video I took of an encounter with a Cotton Mouth while dock fishing many years back. Awesome and scary.
  16. Hi Todd, welcome aboard!
  17. Welcome aboard!
  18. Welcome aboard!
  19. Welcome aboard!
  20. Sweet!
  21. Welcome aboard! I'm on the Peninsula, never fished the South Side but we do have some folks here who fish there regularly, perhaps they'll chime in!
  22. That's pretty sweet!! I'm all for something that works -- and when it is different than the "rest", it's even cooler. Nice!
  23. Congrats. I've caught a few on top. A blast when you do, more special when she's a PB!!
  24. Welcome aboard! I've not used Trokar, but I have used Owner and Gamakatsu (and a number of others). Gamakatsu is my number 1 choice, hands down. I use Gammy Wide Gap Finesse and Splitshot/Dropshot hooks. Both are fantastic for bass fishing. Owner makes a fine hook, no doubt. Just in my personal experience, I have better hookups with Gammy.
  25. Welcome aboard - just gave you another welcome in your other post... Nice to have you aboard. Virginia has some amazing bass fisheries. Read up and practice. This is a great place to learn. I know it has helped me a ton.
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