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Everything posted by Darren.

  1. Darren.


    Welcome aboard, Tramp! ??
  2. Welcome aboard, Joey! ??
  3. Welcome aboard! ??
  4. Paddle all day, every day. Hate T handle, but will use in salt if only reel available, i.e., I don't have my own gear .
  5. Welcome aboard! ??
  6. Welcome aboard, Scott! ??
  7. Welcome aboard, Brent!
  8. Welcome aboard, Scott! ??
  9. Welcome aboard, Mark! ??
  10. Good Lord, this has been an awful showing for the Bills tonight. Poor offensive game plan. I'm just..................
  11. Welcome aboard, Scotty! ??
  12. Welcome aboard, Ryan! ??
  13. Welcome aboard! ??
  14. Wowsers. Seriously nice promo. Impressive reel.
  15. Welcome aboard! ??
  16. Welcome aboard! ??
  17. Welcome aboard, Rick! ??
  18. Quite impressive, the Bills D, last night! Go Browns!
  19. My reaction is "confused" in that I simply don't know what's coming. Of course hoping for my Bills to win.
  20. I hope you are right. Really no idea what to expect. Bills could run away with it like they did against Miami, confounding a solid D, or it could go the other way with Bills unable to stop Lamar. Glorious playoffs!
  21. My nerves are shot anticipating Bills v. Ravens tomorrow night... Hope the snow slows Lamar... Sigh.... Go Bills!
  22. Welcome aboard! ??
  23. Welcome aboard, Fred! ??
  24. Welcome aboard, Jim! ??
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