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Everything posted by Darren.

  1. Senko/senko-style worm, 4", wacky, weightless
  2. Welcome aboard! Do a search on the forum as this topic has been covered a lot with opinions that vary all over the place. Personally, I've used pure fluoro, but prefer to use YoZuri Hybrid for most of my fishing - which is finesse, typically. Haven't found the necessity of pure FC as much where I fish. Sensitivity is fine with YoZuri, but probably a little more with pure FC.
  3. A good day, a great mix of fish!
  4. Welcome aboard, Matt! Some great fisheries in our area. I don't fish the South side, but you've got Lake Prince, and a number of others that are good bass fisheries. On the Peninsula, there's Bethel Reservoir, Lake Maury, Harwood's Mill, Lee Hall. Here's the VGDIF listing for the Tidewater area: http://www.dgif.virginia.gov/fishing/waterbodies/?type=1&region=1
  5. That'll play! Nice bass for the conditions
  6. Yes, and like Choporoz said, you've also got a good PFD, roof rack, etc. Looks to be very good deal
  7. Going rates at Austin Kayak - just over $1K to $1400 http://www.austinkayak.com/search/systems%20ride%20135
  8. A very good kayak you can stand in. And wow, he's throwing a lot of stuff in with it. Looks like a good deal to me.
  9. Welcome aboard!
  10. For my part, I really like the BPS Carbonlites for $100
  11. Agreed. Though it is quite interesting for it to happen 1 hour apart.
  12. Self corrected for me, too. But it has happened since and I had to make sure I didn't select any specific things to show. Things like stuff I posted, or specifically searched for. So for the left side, where you select "By content Type" I have "Forums" checked. And for "By Time Period" I have 24 hour selected. Also, if you have any third-party extensions to block advertisements or such, make sure bassresource.com is whitelisted.
  13. Welcome aboard, Evan! Great place to get better at the craft!
  14. Welcome aboard!
  15. Well now that you mention Bat Boy ....
  16. I'd definitely set up a camera in your room. Cats have been known to do things that make people think they're ghosts. Ever see the movie Cats vs. Dogs? Ninja cat? Come on now. Cats are out to kill us all, or make us go crazy first.
  17. I'm sure there are a lot of Flutie fans here whether from his BC days, CFL days, or his days as Jim Kelly's heir apparently...not. Very sad news to hear he lost both of his folks to heart attacks within one hour of each other. I lost my mother earlier this year. So glad my Dad is still around. http://www.buffalorumblings.com/buffalo-bills-news/2015/11/18/9758130/doug-flutie-parents-pass-away-on-wednesday-statement-buffalo-bills
  18. C'mon Dwight! Beat this like you beat your double digit bass!! Best wishes, prayers, St. Croix Mojo to you, mate.
  19. Welcome aboard!
  20. Almost too good to be true!
  21. So that's where he went. Dang. My pet spider escaped on the plane. Phew. Glad he's safe.
  22. LOL. <facepalm>
  23. Apparently Cabela's may go private and stay "Cabela's" http://seekingalpha.com/article/3688956-cabelas-is-turning-the-corner-may-go-private
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