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Everything posted by Darren.

  1. Wayne, I, too have looked for ways to make a 30 a variable thrust motor. I've got a Minn Kota C2, and there are kits out there, but it seems you have to be a dealer or something to get them. I reference BassYaks.com who gets the kits and offers them with their own kits. Not sure there are many options out there.
  2. Let me (us) know how you like it!
  3. I just shortened my 6'6" Carbonlite spinning rod to 6'3". Shortened the butt as you're doing. Was able to heat up and remove the cut section from the butt and reuse it by gluing it back on. Not perfect by a builder's standard, but for me it looks and feels great. Balance with a Stradic 1000FJ is still spot-on where I like to hold it. Going to be much easier to use this rod now. Won't catch my PFD and such when in the yak.
  4. I have not tried the Fuego, but based on what I just checked on Daiwa's site you're correct, and the only thing (personally) that I would change on the Fuego is the EVA grip. I like the paddle grip better, but again, a personal preference. Looks like a pretty good choice, the Fuego.
  5. I, too, didn't quite like the feel of Pflueger reels. I went in to a BPS all set to buy one but ended up leaving with a Stradic 1000FI. No doubt Pfluegers are fine reels, but it has to feel good in my hands, and when I crank the handle, etc. Quantums reels were very cool, but didn't have that "it" factor like the Shimanos did for me. I bought my Lexa 2000SH having never touched one - dangerous - but I was very pleased with it. Has a good fit for my hands. But now that I've bought some Stradic FJ reels, everything else I have has taken a back seat. The FJ's are amazing.
  6. Since you want to move from Shimano, have a look at Daiwa's Lexa 2000SH. Very nice reel you can find at or below your price range. I have one and it is a solid reel for fresh/salt. It is closer in size to the Shimano 2500 sizing. Highly recommended.
  7. Welcome aboard! For me, yellow PowerPro + a leader. Great for my "old" eyes.
  8. I learn something new everyday. Humph!
  9. Welcome aboard!
  10. Welcome aboard!
  11. Common sighting at Redskin games.... Just sayin'....
  12. Bummer! Seemed like a good guy.
  13. Congrats! I was the opposite, 8lb 6oz!
  14. Sorry, mate, there's Late Spring, Summer in that neck of the woods... But you'll love rooting for the Bills!!!!
  15. Great looking trout there! Well done!
  16. Thankfully, the window of no-fishing in my parts of VA are narrow. Much more narrow than when I lived in Western NY. Don't miss it there at all... There's no "bass season" here, as it is year around. I'll keep fishing when time permits, and honey-do lists don't overrule fishing time.
  17. Welcome aboard, Danny!
  18. My reel arrived today, from NJ. Open box, box not even properly closed. Reel in fine shape, though. Clearly someone had "played" with it as the handle was not connected to the left "normal" side, and the cap on the right side was not tightened down. No signs of being mounted on a rod, reel stem looks pristine. Finger smudges on the rear silver cap. Overall, for $99, this seems to have been quite a deal. Would have bought even if "open box" in-store, and as A-Jay said, we'd have all jumped on this in the Flea Market - used - at this price.
  19. Welcome aboard, Rob!
  20. This is what I usually do as well. If you want to keep the weight on, then see if you can grab some strips of velcro to wrap around the weight...
  21. Nice, Josh! Happy TG!
  22. RIP Rosco!
  23. Good article, indeed. Solid advice. Thanks for sharing!
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