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Everything posted by Darren.

  1. Welcome aboard, Austin!
  2. That's some serious hardware you have there! Tricep story real, or is it actually some sort of alien exo-skeleton to help with the reeling? LOL No really, it's quite a thing to get out there in that condition. You're dedicated, all right.
  3. Yes, indeed. Arctic air is not a good thing, IMO!! One of my sons has a soccer tourney this weekend and Sunday AM temps are set to be in the teens. This past weekend he played in Richmond in temps in the 20s and low 30s. Frigid for us parents. Don't want another round of chills, but alas, weather patterns don't listen to our cries....
  4. Never, ever. But I once listened to a Buffalo Bills broadcast with my iPhone headphones... Nature is all I want to hear. Don't like hearing tunes blasted from other boats, either. People don't often realize how much the sound carries over the water....
  5. So glad the Broncs won. Manning and co really played well. Specifically the D!! Wow! Cam walks out on his post-game conference? Sorry, but that's not cool. I know you're upset, but have some spine, man! You have next year. Congrats to Von Miller on his well-deserved MVP trophy! He was a game-changer!
  6. I'll say it again, my heart is with Manning and the Broncos, but my head sees too much on both sides of the ball with the Panthers. Cam is an unbelievable threat...how do you really prepare for him? I hope Miller and Ware can give him a taste of what they dished out to Brady two weeks ago....
  7. Good shape to those fellas.
  8. I use the Albright sometimes, when I wrap enough times up the leader. I found that with Yo Zuri Hybrid and P-Line Floroclear that a straight Albright can slip, even when properly tied and cinched down. So I go up 7-10 wraps and back down 4-5 and have found those extra wraps down to secure the knot a little better. Just my .02. I did 17-20 wraps for the Albright and that worked well, too. Less slippage. Point of clarity, the slippage is usually on the 6-10 lb line, but not so much with 12-15 lb line.
  9. You didn't state whether casting or spinning, so I'll just recommend a M to MH rod and a 2500 size reel with 15lb braid + leader. I'd recommend virtually the same for casting exception being 20-30lb braid as your mainline. Personally, I use M power for most of my fishing, but have a MH casting outfit (Chronarch 50e), and a new Croix LT Walleye spinning rod, ML with a 2500 Stradic FJ that I find extremely capable of a number of techniques.
  10. With regard to the drag, you are correct to encourage consideration there. What I do with my 1000's is simply use the palm of my hand to slow/stop the spool from screaming drag if I'm working a fish. I have never locked down my drag on the 1000's, and have caught countless bass 5-6+ pounds on them in stump fields, laydowns, etc. It can be done, you just need to learn your gear, trust your gear, and don't panic when you land a giant.
  11. Welcome aboard, John!
  12. Very neat, Hootie. My Dad gave me a bunch of his back from the 60s, 70s, and 80s. Have used a few over the years. Not sure where they all are now-a-days...
  13. Welcome aboard, Austin. It really depends. I would suggest using 6-8 lb leader (whether FC or copoly or mono)... If you're fishing in thick sticks, go with a heavier leader unless you are proficient at working a larger bass with say, 6lb line, out of the stumps without breakage.
  14. I have 3 1000 size Stradics (two FI and one FJ), and now a 2500 FJ. I *love* the 1000 size, and were it not the fact the deal I got for the 2500 was ONLY for the 2500, I'd have bought another 1000. You are perfectly fine using a 1000 for bass fishing. I can't think of a freshwater fish they can't handle... 'cept maybe a sturgeon, LOL. No really. And I second the recommendation of braid. I use it on all my reels. Most have 10lb PP, and my FJs each have 15lb PPSS8, and I use a leader on all.
  15. Heck if I know anymore. Used to think I'd pick a celebrity or two...but these days, I'm not so sure. Come to think of it, probably Hank Parker. Nobody trash talks as much as he does. But I have to second @GonzoFishing - Larry Dahlberg would be my "not-in-the-USA" guy, hands-down.
  16. Welcome aboard, Dave!
  17. Welcome aboard, Trevor!
  18. Welcome aboard, David!
  19. Broncos win by a touchdown. or Panthers win by 10 touchdowns Go Broncos!
  20. Welcome aboard, Thomas!
  21. You'll want to shop for models that are on closeout, previous-year stock at local and online retailers like austinkayak.com, paddleva.com. I bought my Native Ultimate 12 for under $1000 as a prior-year model and it is plenty stable to stand in. I think I paid in the $850 range for it when current year was about $1100 give or take.
  22. Welcome aboard, Matt!
  23. If it were me, I'd drop my $3k on a Hobie Pro Angler.... But that's just me. Good luck finding something in your price range!
  24. Welcome aboard!
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