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Everything posted by Darren.

  1. Hi Shaun, welcome to the forums! Thanks for the report!
  2. Welcome aboard, Chad!
  3. I fish alone most of the time and am fine with that arrangement. Suits me best as with kayaking, if I'm with someone we often go to our own favorite spots and end up fishing "alone" anyway. It's all good.
  4. Where do you typically get these, if I may ask? I assume from gophertackle.com? (thanks Google)
  5. A good laugh on this fine Sunday Thanks!
  6. Awesome, guys! That first cat is HUGE!
  7. Welcome aboard, Michael!
  8. My thumb is hovering over the spool during the cast, ready at any second to clamp down, or gently touch the spool to slow it down. The more you do it, the more it becomes instinctive. Doesn't mean you won't backlash, but you'll have a better sense of when to apply pressure to place the bait where you want it.
  9. Welcome aboard!
  10. Sorry, mate. Just not in my DNA. I don't like to eat fish except on rare occasions, and it'll more than likely be a salt water variety than fresh. I'm with @LastCastChris that I just enjoy the sport of fishing.
  11. Virginia is the place to be! I've got relatives in NC, mountain area to the west. Trout fishing is the best they can do. I kid, there's plenty of good fishing there. I plan on hitting lake Gaston this summer.
  12. Welcome aboard, Joseph! Braid or fluorocarbon? You mention using braid, just looking for clarity. If you are trying straight fluoro, perhaps use it as a leader tied to braid instead. I use 20# braid on my baitcaster and always use a leader. Same with spinning, but 10# or 15# is the braid strength.
  13. Welcome aboard!
  14. Welcome aboard!
  15. Welcome aboard! Good info from Sam, he knows the area.
  16. Welcome aboard!
  17. I simply don't like to eat fish. Most every one of my buddies also releases...got a nephew that likes to catch and eat trout....
  18. Definitely matters to me. Love my 50e Chronarch. Great fit.
  19. Welcome aboard!
  20. Very nice catch. Well done!
  21. Good luck with your testing. I'm one of those who once thought casting was better...no longer. I cast because I want to, but I spin because it works in more situations. This, at least, in my experience.
  22. Well done, guys!
  23. A gift? Well, then...that's different. Sort of. Could still ignite the fires of the Bait Monkey, but you'll enjoy it for a while
  24. Welcome to the forums! Folks who pour their own molds will chime in here, just a welcome from me.
  25. Have to agree. I did not like the Ultra Soft as much as regular Hybrid. Ultra Soft was "milky" in color compared to clear with regular (in green, that is).
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