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Everything posted by Darren.

  1. Welcome aboard! Make sure the images are saved as JPG and perhaps reduce their size...? I've not had problems with JPG files...
  2. Dang. Well, I'm not advocating this in the least, but an old friend of mine shot a dog that once growled at his daughter. It was w/in a town limits. The other thing is a friendly letter along with a legal notice and the amount of vet bills needed to be covered...happened to my neighbor who's lab got loose, roamed around and made a chew toy of a very annoying Jack Russel. $3000 in small claims court for medical bills for the JR.
  3. Wow. Do you guys have a law against roaming dogs, or is it allowed? Here in our parts of VA, there's leash laws and dogs must be fenced or chained, or e-fenced. Glad its getting stitched up, though. Hope for a speedy recovery.
  4. Sounds like you've got a solid idea. If you are more comfortable with casting gear, then that is what you should use. I find spinning gear just easier to use as I face a lot of wind and got tired of dealing with the usual issues. I'm quite efficient with BC gear, and was even on my way to casting-only but decided otherwise. Anyhow, that doesn't mean anything here
  5. Game plan? Hm, probably formulated one over the years for each of the reservoirs I fish. I tend to follow instinct (game plan) now since I'm so familiar with them. But there are still areas I've not explored but want to. In terms of how I'm going to fish, that's gotten pretty straight forward. Wacky, drop shot, TX, split shot rigs with wacky and DS the mainstays.
  6. Welcome aboard! It really depends on what you are wanting to fish - technique-wise. I'll usually have a MLXF, MF spinning and a M or ML casting rod. Or I'll take 3 spinning setups ML, M and M. I fish soft plastics predominately, a lot of wacky rigging and drop shotting. Some TX rigging and very little in the way of hard lure fishing.
  7. I'm infinitely impressed with the Legend Tournament series from St. Croix, and I only have one spinning in the 6'3" range (in the LT). If I had another $250, I'd drop it on a second LT from St. Croix no question. Just me, tho.
  8. Not that I know of, but perhaps a Moderator can give us more on that.
  9. FYI: http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/guidelines/ Why does the site or product name I posted show up as "another site" or as ***? First it has nothing to do with competition. In most cases, it has something to do with the points above - site owners not abiding by the rules of the forum, or over-zealous pro-staffers spamming the forums. In some cases, however, the site owner specifically requested that we do not link to their site. If your post contains ***, then that means you may not discuss that brand here. Your post will likely be deleted, and you may get banned (see the next paragraph below).
  10. The RAM mounts allow you to have it vertical, but quickly change it if you need to.
  11. Welcome aboard!
  12. I've got two of these, don't have them mounted as of yet, and may not mount them. Previously I used them as holders for my DIY pontoons I used on my old canoe. As far as pivoting, just realize that you would want to leave that front rubber "clip" undone - unless your arms are long enough. Like John suggested, RAM also makes good mounts. There are +'s and -'s with each.
  13. Have a look-see here: scotty tube rod holders kayak
  14. Yes. I'll use a FC leader, or more common, a Yo-Zuri Hybrid leader of 6-8#
  15. I bought my spool on eBay as well. I think you'll like it. I probably won't buy regular Power Pro again. That said, I've got a 1500 yard spool of 15 SS8 that will last me a very long time.
  16. Hmm. Not sure if BPS has their micro lite rods in that length any more, but they used to. Great quality rods - IM6. We've still got one, tho it's no longer 6'. My youngest uses it (11 yrs). Just checked. Looks like 6' is the shortest in ML. But they have Light in shorter lengths. http://www.basspro.com/Bass-Pro-Shops-Micro-Lite-Graphite-Spinning-Rod/product/1503010300471/ And they're on sale for $39
  17. You *really* don't need to go heavy braid unless you are using the reel for heavy cover flipping, and so on. I use 10# (2# = mono) and 15# (4#) Power Pro and Power Pro Super Slick 8. Both are very strong, much more than their pound rating. And for these aging eyes, yellow is the color of choice for me. Then a leader on every setup. I'll add that I fish a LOT of laydowns and submerged stumps, bushes, etc. I don't do much in the way of punching or so on. I do light gear and have been just fine. The braid has very rarely snapped on me. I can count on one hand the number of times it has in years of fishing. FWIW.
  18. That looks to have some floatation in addition to the inflatable bladders. Is that the case?
  19. The candy men UPS, USPS stopped by with some treats for me today. Trying these TearShot rattling drop shot weights...
  20. Mmmm. Fried spaaaam. Yes. Had it this year once or twice.
  21. Welcome aboard! Some good advice above. Wind knots can be a pain, but as you learn you'll get better at avoiding them. My youngest son often whips the rod and when it doesn't do what he wants, he shakes the tip, making whatever he did worse. So loading up the rod is the right idea. This means as you rear it back to cast, the weight of the lure causes the rod to bend back, then you fling it forward. Now you also want to know what weights your rod is listed for. Look above the handle where there's writing on the rod. You'll see some weights there. You could be casting something that is too light...
  22. Watermelon Copper/Orange Red
  23. I know how you feel. Been there too, sadly. Sorry for your loss. You'll remember him your whole life. I still think of my first dog, Luke.
  24. "Here we go" "There he is" "Got 'im" "That's a snag" "Darn branch" Or nothing at all...
  25. Welcome aboard! @roadwarrior is in your vicinity and can provide the most accurate info you seek. Good luck!
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