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Everything posted by Darren.

  1. Sounds like fun, despite a crazy hot day here!
  2. I have no problems setting the hook while standing in my yak. I know the 128T is billed as wider than the 12, and more stable. I've seen a guy out on a local reservoir fishing in one and he was standing most of the time. Unless you do gymnastics or yoga stretches while setting the hook, you will be fine. You will learn the yaks secondary stability and get along just fine. But please, wear your PFD 100% of the time. You never know! This way if you fall out due to a 175º hookset, then hit your head on the side of the yak and get knocked out, you'll most likely wake up still in this world. I wear mine always. Life is too short to do otherwise.
  3. Welcome aboard, Mike! Always great when slumps are broken.
  4. Welcome aboard!
  5. Welcome aboard!
  6. Welcome aboard, Ben!
  7. That could very well be the issue. The heavier the line, the fewer loops I tie. But with 8# FC, I'd def go more.
  8. That's interesting. With pure fluoro I like the Mod'd Albright, about 7-10 wraps up and 4-5 back down. But I've generally had very good success with double uni, 5-6 loops for braid, and about 5-6 as well for the leader.
  9. I have used P-Line Floroclear for years, next to Yo-Zuri Hybrid. Yes, there are many who absolutely hate it, but there are those of us who like it a lot. So this is a line that you'll just have to try for yourself. My PLFC goes from 6-15# test and I use it as leader material. Very good line, and I rarely had line breaks. The 10# should be a great all-around line for you.
  10. Indeed. It means the ecosystem is working as it should.
  11. Amen! And with learning, wisdom, and understanding!!
  12. Welcome aboard!
  13. Good reel. Very similar to the Lexa, also very good. Buy with confidence, IMO.
  14. Beautiful little snake, indeed! Back yard, eh? Sweet! I'll have to research the colubrid info. My brother has been a herp nut since before I was born (13 years older than me). He survived a canebrake bite when I was 12. We always talk snakes, share pix, and so on. We'll be breeding some pythons in a year or two (when they get big enough). Took youngest son fishing last weekend and he spotted a beautiful black rat snake on the dock. He's almost 12. Some of you guys here would have killed this beautiful snake!! Always remember: Snakes=rodent control.
  15. I've had tremendous experience with Shimano's, Austin. But there are some very good reels from Pflueger, Okuma, Daiwa and others you could look at. If you can get into a Bass Pro, or other store, get your hands on a bunch of them and see what fits your hands best, and feels good to you.
  16. A great time, there, Jeff! Nice
  17. Which model? And post pics and a review when you can!
  18. Welcome aboard! Good answers above. Night, under paddleboats, etc., during day, or in shade of the buildings, if that happens there... Also agree with downsizing...and slowing down your presentation. Try a mojo rig with a small, floating worm/minnow and give it a few twitches as you slowly bring it in... Ans so on....
  19. I'm done with you people... Such disrespect for our slithering brethren....
  20. Yes. PPSS is quite good. I was a "regular" PP user prior to securing a 1500 yard spool of 15# PPSS for a great deal. I love the SS version. I still don't think much over 10# is absolutely necessary, but I got a 15# spool and am using on most (soon to be all) of my spinning reels. It is smooth, strong and really nice I highly recommend.
  21. Welcome aboard, Shawn!
  22. Welcome aboard, Josef!
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