Oh man. So my buddy and I were kayak fishing a
local dock...young buck and a grandpa dude came
in after us in a boat. Must've badly wanted to fish
our area and must've been mad we were there first.
So they decided to fish near us, closer and closer
to the point of coming between us. I caught a lovely
3 lb bass right where they were fishing previously...LOL
That was the only "talking" I did - catching the bass.
Nothing was said between us, but my buddy and I
could not believe these guys and their attitude. We'd
never encountered jerks like this before.
Anyhow, I moved to a new spot, a vacant spot on the
other side of the docks. They followed me and started
casting at me, and around my kayak. I looked at them
several times, glaring, because they were casting right
off my kayak. I asked them if they knew of fishing courtesy
and boating etiquette, said I was there first. Kid mumbled
something and I ended up leaving in disgust.
Made plenty of noise going out. "Grandpa" made no
effort to fix the young dipstick's behavior, either.