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Everything posted by Darren.

  1. D triple A NG!!!
  2. Welcome aboard, Julius! No clue about Rays Town lake, sorry. Maybe provide some more detail about it, and yourself, like what techniques you use, your gear, and so on.
  3. Welcome aboard! Yes, sometimes I pre-tie a rig the night before. There are even drop shot rigs you can buy that are "pre-rigged" and all you need to add is the worm. I don't carry many rods with me anymore, I keep one wacky rigged setup, and one or two other setups for either drop shot or Texas rigging.
  4. Senko Wacky rigged or.... Gary Yamamoto Shad Shaped Worm Drop shot
  5. And welcome again!
  6. Sorry, can't help you with your question as I've no knowledge of those motors. So I'll just welcome you to the forums!
  7. Sweet catch, and glad you're back on the marine carpet capturing our finned friends.
  8. Welcome aboard! I'm sure someone in your neck of the woods will chime in soon enough.
  9. Welcome aboard! Just get him more of his favorite bait(s)! One can never have enough of them.
  10. Welcome aboard, Anthony!
  11. Oh man. So my buddy and I were kayak fishing a local dock...young buck and a grandpa dude came in after us in a boat. Must've badly wanted to fish our area and must've been mad we were there first. So they decided to fish near us, closer and closer to the point of coming between us. I caught a lovely 3 lb bass right where they were fishing previously...LOL That was the only "talking" I did - catching the bass. Nothing was said between us, but my buddy and I could not believe these guys and their attitude. We'd never encountered jerks like this before. Anyhow, I moved to a new spot, a vacant spot on the other side of the docks. They followed me and started casting at me, and around my kayak. I looked at them several times, glaring, because they were casting right off my kayak. I asked them if they knew of fishing courtesy and boating etiquette, said I was there first. Kid mumbled something and I ended up leaving in disgust. Made plenty of noise going out. "Grandpa" made no effort to fix the young dipstick's behavior, either.
  12. Welcome aboard!
  13. Welcome aboard!
  14. For me, when I turned 40, the switch was flipped. Prior to that I could eat what I wanted and gain very little weight. After 40, everything changed. I'm still young at heart, at least I think I am, but my body is begging to differ. I'm working on kicking it into gear, hence back to mountain biking and such...but it ain't easy.
  15. I'll just welcome you to the forums, boat experts will be better voices than I.
  16. I'm with @roadwarrior +/- 3 lbs But I'll lean toward the + side of 3
  17. Geez.
  18. Yamamoto Shad-shaped Worm Wacky rigged or drop-shot.
  19. I have, but also been out when winds of 40 MPH ripped through - and I was in my kayak. Needless to say I hauled out of there as fast as I could. Fortunately I was very close to the launch. But I've fished in white caps on my local reservoirs. I don't make it a habit by any means, and these days I've balked when the wind was up in particular directions.
  20. Welcome aboard, Eli!
  21. Welcome aboard, Kermit!
  22. 3" Stick-O worms don't work very well for me... But 4, 5, and 6 are incredible.
  23. Welcome aboard!
  24. No it doesn't. I have many great memories taking my boys fishing when they were tikes.
  25. Welcome aboard!
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