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Everything posted by Darren.

  1. Welcome aboard!
  2. Geez, that thing at a kids bowling ball!
  3. I use both 10 and 15# Power Pro and PPSS8 on my spinning gear and there's little difference in casting distance. I happened to catch my PB on 10# braid on a bait caster in thick slop. Used a 10# leader. Bass was 7.5#.
  4. Welcome aboard!
  5. By far, for me, a ¾ oz football jig that got stuck on a dock. It was practically brand new, and my first intro to football jigs. Caught me some nice bass on that. Still have it, to!
  6. Welcome aboard! Your definitely in the right place to learn As for your area, can't help, but there are some here who have probably fished those spots who will chime in.
  7. I actually cut down the butt of one of my Carbonlite rods which makes it not hit my vest anymore. Rod is now 6'3" instead of 6'6".
  8. I for one use rods no longer than 6'6" because I find they get in the way when I'm in tight quarters with either low-hanging trees, or other structure that can interfere with casting. My favorite size is probably in the 6-6'3" range, or even 5'9". I'm fully aware that the trend is toward longer rods, but they're just not my cup of tea and I don't care what the trend is! I fish what makes my time on the water more enjoyable. I caught my PB of 7.5# on a 6' casting rod, and I've caught numerous bass over 6# on my 5'9" spinning rod. Just my experience, and I'm sticking to it!
  9. Welcome aboard! I spool all of my reels with braid for mainline now because it is so much easier to manage than the monos/fluoros/copolys of the world. I always tie a leader of fluoro or copoly in varying pound test based on how I'm fishing at the time. That said, even braid can get hit with wind knots. Just make sure you are always closing the bail by hand. There's one other thing that I saw recently, and maybe one of the folks here can point to it... But the angle of the reel and the first guide can be an issue. Guys, please help me here, I can't remember all the details. @Delaware Valley Tackle, @J Francho?
  10. Excellent catch! Congrats!
  11. Welcome aboard, Nate!
  12. Welcome aboard!
  13. Congrats and best of luck on the new venture!
  14. Nice little fish ya got there, A-Jay
  15. Show's been renewed for season 2!! http://variety.com/2016/tv/news/stranger-things-season-2-renewed-netflix-1201840420/
  16. Since you're standing, a shorter rod may indeed help out with the twitching needed to walk the frog.
  17. I didn't see your post, but kudos on the apology. We all make mistakes, so consider it water under the bridge...
  18. Welcome aboard, James!
  19. Welcome aboard!
  20. Welcome aboard!
  21. Welcome aboard!
  22. Good luck, Mike. Tough position to be in, I know, I was in a similar IT management position back in the 90s with men over twice my age as my subordinates. Humility and respect on your part will go a long way toward making things smooth. But don't be intimidated by their age, either. Respect it, and stand firm in your position as supervisor, but don't lord it over them. You probably don't know as much as them, and don't be afraid to lean on/learn from their expertise. Again, a tough spot to be in, but one that will make you wiser and teach you a lot about yourself. Just be ready to learn
  23. Happy B, happy bass!
  24. Welcome aboard! Agree with @A-Jay, tough to pinpoint something at that price for a specific technique. But I will recommend this rod: Berkley Lighting Rod Shock - M, spinning Solid rod for the money. Will serve you well.
  25. Great stuff, Blue!
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