No tourneys for me, either, but over the last couple years
I've fished very little during the summer. Just haven't had
the passion. The heat and humidity are a pain, doesn't
matter the body of water. Gaining weight makes it all the
worse. So that's got to be a priority for me and it isn't.
Taking time off also helps me focus on my sons' and their
interests--they only focus on fishing during certain times
of year. They move on to other sports, and things they and
their friends are in to at the moment.
It also helps with spending money on things I don't really
need. Keeps money in our bank account.
Fall brings insane travel for elite level soccer for two of the
boys - almost every single weekend is travel. And now one
of my boys has taken up mountain biking - racing with a
local club. So there's travel for that, too.
I'm learning -- at 47 -- to just enjoy the curves life throws
at me and not worry about missing out on bass fishing five
days a week. Life is much bigger than that.