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Everything posted by Darren.

  1. Nice catches! Glad someone is enjoying the fun!! Can't wait to break the drought of no bass fishing for me. But alas, so much soccer travel, mountain bike travel, every. single. weekend. makes it tough.
  2. Welcome aboard! As for spinning, techniques you mentioned will work great, as will Mojo rigging, drop shot, and so on. I use spinning for most techniques now, which for me, is mostly soft plastics like wacky, TX, mojo, drop, and some hard lure uses. I don't do as much casting anymore, so will let others bring their experience to your comment.
  3. No, but looking at the site, it looks like it might actually be 54AH...? @J Francho, @A-Jay are we looking at the AH right on this battery? Bass Pro Shops XPS Power Series 12-Volt Marine AGM Deep-Cycle Battery Sku/ Model Size CCA @0 F Reserve Capacity Rating Amp @10 HR Capacity Width Height Length 844431/ 8AU1H U1 200 45 54 5-1/8" 7-1/4" 8-5/16" 844432/ 8A24M 24M 525 135 145 6-3/4" 9-7/8" 10-7/8" 844434/ 8A27M 27M 580 175 185 6-3/4" 9-7/8" 12-3/4" Would make a little more sense given the price. The one I've heard the best about is actually Cabela's Advanced Anglers AGM batteries, though they're a few $$ more.
  4. I go braid + leader for spinning and casting. IMO, braid so much easier to manage, and with a well-tied leader knot, you'll be good to go. Hot topic, though. There are braid purists, fluoro/mono/copoly purists, and mixed purist like me so you'll be told all manner of methods.
  5. I looked at the BPS models, but comparatively, Werker, Duracell, others can be found for much cheaper... Just checked BatteriesPlus.com and they're selling this as a replacement: https://www.batteriesplus.com/replacement/battery/werker/wkdc12=35j/sladc12=35j
  6. Werker WKDC12-35J Is only a 35AH battery, so if you are needing more, this isn't for you. But I never run out of juice as I don't run it for hours on end traveling to a particular spot.
  7. I think the Spirex are great reels. I've got two, a front drag 2500 and a rear drag 1000, both have handled bass up to 5 pounds as well as saltwater use. I use Stradics for the past many years, and my kids use the Spirex reels mostly now, but every so often I will use one myself.
  8. He was always a Class Act, and I love his iced tea!
  9. It will help big-time. I couldn't believe the difference until I noticed how much further I was from the water
  10. Wouldn't happen to be made by Samsung, would it?
  11. How about dem BILLS!! Cards got schooled. Or...how about Carson Palmer's bad game my Bills took advantage of. Or...how about the Bills after firing Greg Roman! Orrrr....all of the above? I'm smelling a Super Bowl...for another team. Or maybe I'm just being a pessimist. For 17 years of no playoffs.
  12. Welcome aboard! Both of you!
  13. I do the same with my setup. In heavy grasses and weeds I always have to lift my TM up. I tried to get through it once and had to beach my yak to clean out the wrapped grass.
  14. On one of the reservoirs I fish, the department let it drain to a certain level while road construction was going on nearby - they didn't want to obstruct bridge building with the usual overflow when the hard rains hit. For the first couple years of this it was tough to get a bite to the point I stopped fishing it. But other friends had success at times while the water level was low. Might need to downsize some of your gear, line, and lure size and slow down your presentation a little. See if that gets you a bite... Wish I could help more.
  15. There's monsters in them thar Louisiana waters!!
  16. Welcome aboard, Johnny!
  17. Welp, that was definitive. 27-0 Pats.
  18. Good point, and I did think about it, but shore-bound anglers have few places to "run" the fish. At least in my tree-surrounded waters.
  19. I'm seeing another SB ring in their future this year. Unbelievable what this team is capable of. And I am a Bills fan. Also a team I find unbelievable of what they are "capable" of.... <bangs head on desk repeatedly>
  20. It is official, with MacGuyver, and now...wait for it MAGNUM P.I. NOTHING is sacred anymore. Ok, I'm overreacting. It IS a sequel, not a "reboot", but still. Anyone else tiring of reboots or do you like them remade for "today"? https://www.cnet.com/news/magnum-p-i-sequel-coming-to-abc/#ftag=CAD590a51e
  21. C'mon bruh... Wacky rig...
  22. That counts, Scott I've never been spooled, either, on my 1000s but I've had to cut a lot of braid due to a snag or such and have cast out past my arbor knot into the backing...which (then) was only 4lb test, so I was a tiny bit nervous, LOL.
  23. Thanks, Tom. Braid takes care of all that for me. I've read of some who swore by large capacity spools for bass fishing due to the "safety" of having enough line. I've never bought the argument, so was just curious as to whether or not people have been spooled while fishing for bass.
  24. This thread (and others over the years) got me thinking about line capacity and getting spooled. So I started a new discussion about that topic so as not to distract from @Ray K's post. Here if interested:
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