I haven't been in a Cabelas for years, last one was in AZ on a
trip for a family wedding. Was a great trip and a sweet Cabelas.
That said, I always saw them as a northern states shop. I just
never got much into them, but when BPS bought them I was
rather sad. IMHO, BPS has gone steadily downhill over the past
10 years. The Spring Classic deals early on were fantastic, no
longer. Employees (at least at the Hampton, VA) BPS were
knowledgeable, and fishermen on their own right. Not that
they aren't now, but times have changed. BPS is another Brick
and Mortar retailer.
As others have mentioned, the rise of online retailers has
greatly changed the playing field. The local BPS/Cabelas just
doesn't carry enough stuff, so online I go! We do shop local
for things, too, we like to keep locals in business, as well.