Lots of great name-brand reels in that price range.
My best advice for you is to go into your local shop
be it a Cabelas, Bass Pro, etc., and take your rod
with you -- ask if you can try out various reels on the
rod. Best thing you can do, IMO.
This way you'll get to feel every one and know which
one YOU like best. Honestly, it really matters. I went
in to a BPS with full intentions to buy a Pflueger Pres
reel. I left with a Shimano Stradic.
Not because the Pflueger isn't a great reel, it clearly
is to a great many fisherfolk. But the Shimano felt that
much better in MY hands. We're all different. Find YOU
whether it is Daiwa, Shimano, Pflueger, Okuma, Quantum,
Edit: Yes, the President is considerably less than the Stradic.
I was at a point where the comparisons that night led me
from all the Pfluegers and Shimano reels to the Stradic...