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Everything posted by Darren.

  1. Welcome aboard, @Dave Hopkins Jr.! I've got two Spirex reels, and they're solid. But my go-to reels are Stradics. To @HughCash, the deal on the irod Air is fantastic, and the Lews with it looks like they were made for each other. Hope the reel stays strong for you for years to come. Everyone has experiences good and bad with brands, and it is unfortunate Shimano didn't serve you well.
  2. Welcome aboard, Rob!
  3. I'm afraid a non-landed fish does not count in the PB hunt--unless one wants to be *that guy* who caught an x# bass that was *this long* -- but didn't really... I've hooked bass and almost got them to my net but they spit the hook and danced off. I'm sure at least one was in the 8# range... But I only count the ones that I have weighed and/or measured. Every time a person tells me "Dude, I caught an 8 pounder over there at the bridge, but it got off..." I want to ask him how he knows it was 8# if he didn't weigh it. We are not the greatest judges of fish size or weight when using only our our eyes, or how heavy it felt on the line.
  4. You're definitely in the ball park. I do all that and more, but the "more" is experimentation. As far as the Rod/Reel, both are fine, though I might opt for a ML, but I've used MXF rods for this in the past with no issues.
  5. Welcome aboard! Give the articles @roadwarrior posted. They're full of great advice.
  6. I use 20#, but you'd be fine if you are more comfortable with 30#. Issue some have with thinner diameter braid is digging in to the spool. This will happen when you are snagged, pull hard, reel in a fish, tight drag, etc. If you are aware of this possibility and periodically pull out line from your reel, you'll be ok (I don't have issues with 20# fwiw). As for leaders, I will use from 6#-15# -- you can go higher if you are in nasty slop, downed trees, etc.
  7. Darren.


    Welcome aboard!
  8. Welcome aboard!
  9. Welcome aboard, Bruce!
  10. Broken record guy here. Braid + fluorocarbon... Rinse and repeat....
  11. Welcome aboard, Mike!
  12. Soft plastics!
  13. The old adage "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" can apply here... except if you are just wanting to try something new. Lines can get expensive... Never tried C21, but I have P-Line Floroclear in 6-15# test and like it very much. Also use Yo-Zuri Hybrid in 4-15# test and it is also an excellent line. Hard to beat, IMO. I'm currently using Gamma Edge fluorocarbon in 6, 8 and 10# test and *really* like the stuff. I'm only using it (and everything I mentioned above) as leader material. Been quite pleasantly surprised at how strong Gamma Edge is - esp in 6#.
  14. Welcome aboard!
  15. I've actually been impressed with Uni-To-Uni in my Legend Tournament 6'3" micro guide spinning rod! But then I'm using thin-diameter line like 10-15# PP and a 6-10# fluoro leader. Makes for a nice, compact knot. I'll give the surgeons another try soon.
  16. Good luck with it! Seriously! I've tried a surgeon's...maybe need to try again, but for me and my fishing, the Uni-to-Uni and mod'd Albright/Alberto are the easiest and quickest to tie (former being the king). I like to try other knots for sake of learning, but after years of practice, the above are my go-to knots. Maybe that'll change one of these days...who knows.
  17. The best BFTB for me is a Stradic on a really good sale, or for a great price in the flea market!!
  18. Lots of great name-brand reels in that price range. My best advice for you is to go into your local shop be it a Cabelas, Bass Pro, etc., and take your rod with you -- ask if you can try out various reels on the rod. Best thing you can do, IMO. This way you'll get to feel every one and know which one YOU like best. Honestly, it really matters. I went in to a BPS with full intentions to buy a Pflueger Pres reel. I left with a Shimano Stradic. Not because the Pflueger isn't a great reel, it clearly is to a great many fisherfolk. But the Shimano felt that much better in MY hands. We're all different. Find YOU whether it is Daiwa, Shimano, Pflueger, Okuma, Quantum, etc. Edit: Yes, the President is considerably less than the Stradic. I was at a point where the comparisons that night led me from all the Pfluegers and Shimano reels to the Stradic...
  19. Darren.


    Afraid I do it sometimes, too, Hootie....
  20. Bills win the Super Bowl! Mark it in your calendars... <wakes from decade long coma> Wh....whaaa? Tom Brady is STILL the best QB!!??!?!? <gives up hope>
  21. Welcome aboard!
  22. Welcome aboard!
  23. Welcome aboard!
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