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Everything posted by Darren.

  1. Welcome aboard! We've got a number of saltwater anglers here who will hopefully chime in to give you their thoughts. @SirSnookalot come back! This one is up your alley
  2. The answer is, it's up to you. Personally, if I'm dock fishing, I like to have 1 or two at the most - unless it's long pole (no reel, fixed length of line, float, etc.) If I know I'm walking from spot to spot, 1 is good. Kayaking, I've taken from 1 to 5. 5 definitely too many for my liking. Too many rods to position if I'm going under low hanging trees, bridges, etc. My sweet spot is 2 rods, sometimes 3 when kayaking. And like @The Bassman, I don't take all my bait. I try to take what is proven where I fish....
  3. Can't help with NoVA fishing, unfortunately. But welcome aboard!
  4. I've used and still use nets in my kayak. Easiest has been the el-cheapo nets with hard nylon webbing you get at Walmart, etc. I've lost two of them ... yeah they float. You need to pay attention to 'em. Currently have a measure net but have not used it yet. I lip most of my fish of late, but a net is a God-send in some circumstances. Sitting? I'd probably go with a shorter length. My current net has a telescopic handle. My third that has that. Quite nice.
  5. Darren.


    Welcome aboard!
  6. Welcome aboard!
  7. I think the money is on John Gruden to leave ESPN for the LA Rams job.
  8. I think you'll be fine with the 2500. Line twist will be "normal", meaning it will happen depending on what techniques you're using, but should be manageable. And being a bigger spool means the coils will be larger, so it will twist, but what can help there is using a line conditioner. Are you using a stiff mono like Big Game, or XT?
  9. Welcome aboard, Mick!
  10. Not sure how much help my opinion will be, but here it is for maybe 2 cents I use 1000 for everything freshwater and in-shore. Had no worries when I was in muskie waters in MN. Was prepared to fight and play whatever I caught. And if I lost the battle, so be it. HOWEVER.... If I were specifically targeting big Pike and Muskie, I'd of course go heavier/larger spinning perhaps a 3000, or 4000. But you said "possibly", so pike is not your target species. A 2500 will have no problem with the occasional pike, and I wouldn't worry even with a 1000... I've caught dozens of LMB over 6# on my 1000 reels. My avatar is one such 6.6# caught in a heavy wooded area. It is no problem at all for the 1000 reel to handle. And I've caught plenty of toothy critters as well (pickerel here, up to 4#). A 2500 would suit your needs just fine. Me? I'd go 1000 because I like smaller reels (lighter, less bulk), and with 10 or 15# braid + leader, I'm good to go.
  11. Well, as a father of 4 boys, I cannot relate But fatherhood is awesome no matter whether its a pink or blue! LOL.
  12. Can't see picture, either, but congrats to your grandson! Those times are so exciting for the elder and youngster.
  13. One of my wife's brothers...a bitter addict. Very sad situation. Sorry, @Bass Turd for your struggles, you are definitely not alone. Even so, I can't imagine your pain with it being your son. I grew up a PK "Pastor's Kid" and saw a number of drug addicts grace our doorways, one or two made it, the rest ... no idea. Grace to you and your son. I wish I had more and better things to say, but I don't. And for that I'm sorry, no words will take the pain away....
  14. I have no problems with my leader reeling up on my spool. In fact, Gary Yamamoto discusses in one of his articles how he likes (IIRC) a 20' leader as he wants the knot on the spool when he gets the bass close to the boat so there's no knot to break. Personally, that's overkill, but FWIW.
  15. Nice, Glenn! I like it! More COLOR! WOO HOO!!
  16. Welcome aboard! I'd pass on 'em for you and dogs. Leave in woods for scavengers to enjoy.
  17. RIP, Mr. Sager Sager and Pop. Always remember those quick interviews...
  18. Yeah. I really want to like him as a coach. As a man, he's fun, playful, full of intrigue. As a coach. Head coach. No. No. Just... No.
  19. Welcome aboard!
  20. Do a search on this topic, there are dozens of posts here that will give you more info. But part of the issue you're having may be size of your leader. I.e., are you tying a 17-20# leader with 50# braid? that makes for a pretty big knot. Another knot that will be thinner is the Albright (modified). Search for that on YouTube or animated knots.com and practice tying it. The thinnest knot will be a 10 for difficulty (10 being most difficult), known as the FG knot. I personally don't use it but some here do. It is not one you tie on the water, too many variables. I use 10-15# braid with 6-10# fluorocarbon leader and use the uni-to-uni all the time. No issues with the micro guides on my Legend Tournament spinning rod. But note I'm using small diameter lines.
  21. As of now, I'm left for spinning, right for casting gear and I'm no worse for wear Have an awful time using a spinning reel with right hand reeling, and casting with left. Just the way it is for me. No big deal. Live and move on
  22. No experience there, but welcome to the forums!
  23. Are you talking a jigging rod with reel seat or not? If not, Black Widow rods are great, or if you want to get some great quality graphite poles, hit allfishingbuy.com I bought a really nice 12' graphite rod from them (pole) no reel.
  24. Can't see him leaving a good thing in Seattle. But what do I know?
  25. I have used glue on knots on occasion... But a well-tied knot doesn't really need any unless it is for mental security And yeah, I've done it for that reason before, too.
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