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Everything posted by Darren.

  1. One can hope... What I haven't opined on is a change from Russ B down. Shake 'em up, methinks. Hard to know what is needed to fix the org. Already have new ownership, so is the problem middle management? Indeed. Virtually same D players as Schwartz had, opposite results with Rex and his "vaunted" schemes.
  2. Well, the Bills finally pulled the trigger and fired Rex Ryan. AKA Wrex Wryan on Bills forums. Now can we find a real coach, please?!
  3. I've had success with both painted and unpainted. I do like to take the shine off tungsten, if for no other reason than because I want to... So I bought some heat-activated black "paint" powder at BPS. Works great...but leaves me with a black shine, LOL. But it doesn't make a diff to the fish as far as I can tell. I tend to favor black over any other color for weights.
  4. Good stuff! Chunky bass!
  5. Great winter catches! Congrats!
  6. Welcome aboard!
  7. How many is too many? If one of them gets in the way of your fishing. For me on a kayak, 2-4 is the very most that I will fish. Mostly I take 2 setups out, 3 is a bonus, 4 is if I'm desperate, LOL
  8. Welcome aboard!
  9. Welcome aboard, Joaquin!
  10. Just looked at their web site and yep, they're now with Daiwa. http://anglingedge.com/sponsors/ I remember when they were with Shimano and Shimano made the best reels in the world. Then they went back to Quantum and Quantum made the best... Now I suppose Daiwa makes the best, LOL. The almighty dollar speaks! Can't blame them, it's how they make a living...
  11. That's a negative here. Look like a quality swim bait, though.
  12. No fishing stuff whatsoever. But... I did get a coupon for a floatation therapy thing. Where you float in salt-infused water, no sound, completely isolated... My wife is appalled by the thought, but she bought me the experience because I'm game.
  13. Never a big fan, though I'm a fan of amazing voices. And I consider him one of the many.... I loved his jazzy "Kissing a Fool"...
  14. Welcome aboard, Jeff! Thank you for your service!
  15. You bet it does, though not for you... for the kids
  16. Just about all of my "hidden secrets" are no longer either. I had a brief fascination with pyromania when a pre-teen. Used to pour rubbing alcohol on the bathroom counter, turn out the lights and throw a match on it to watch it burn blue then burn out. But I was always prepared! I always had water in the tub with a towel in it ready to be thrown on the counter. Proof of how dumb I was, LOL. I won't go into detail but I also burned a hole in the linoleum in our bathroom...toilet paper was involved...I was 13 then and when Dad found out, he gave me 13 swats with the stiffest leather belt he could find. I never played with fire after that, LOL. We have a great laugh about it today, Dad and I. My older brother once burned a field by a gas station... Never could live up to his pyromania.
  17. Merry C and Happy N Y! Not sure why I'm truncating the holidays this year...but I'm doing it everywhere, LOL...
  18. Welcome aboard!
  19. PowerPro and PowerPro Super Slick 8 user here. 10# (regular) and 15# (SS8) on all my spinning reels. Leader is variable, sometimes it'll be long, a couple arm stretches or not. Really varies for me. I am not a believer in a strict length as there are no hard, fast rules in the biz.
  20. Wow! Nice to see you back! And a Merry Christmas to you, too!
  21. I have 1000 sizes in FI, FJ, and FK I'd go for an FJ or FK if I were you, and I do use 1000 for in shore fishing, though I've not caught "big" species yet. I do use braid, so management is a non-issue and the size is perfect, light and brilliant.
  22. D.A.N.G.
  23. I'm a Stradic guy, but want to stress how important it is for you to get your hands on several different reels at a local store. If the one on display is rough, ask to see one from a fresh box. See if you can put each on your preferred rods. I did this and really fell in love with the Stradic even after I was set on buying Pflueger. Don't get me wrong, they are fantastic reels and you may absolutely love them. If so, go for it! They just didn't feel right in my hands. If I were to buy another reel, I would certainly get the feel of some of the newer Pfluegers just to be thorough. My .02. And welcome to the forums, too!
  24. Yes, yes. @A-Jay is finally warming up to throwing a wacky rig. I can hear the winds of change blowing... When all else fails... Well, if it is good enough to be the anchor rig "when all else fails", it's good enough to be the MAIN rig!! That and a drop shot!! Merry C! Y'all!!
  25. There ya go! Someone with knowledge! I answered on your double post. But this is good info from @Kidflex.
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