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Everything posted by Darren.

  1. Welcome aboard!
  2. LOL.
  3. Here's another pic from The Verge. And @Scott F it does look like its tethered in this pic. Except for the fact that he's not wearing a PFD, I could see this being @A-Jay in his hey day One more, and for sure, it is tethered, @Scott F, though not in this photo. http://www.pcmag.com/news/350766/underwater-powerray-drone-can-help-find-your-dinner
  4. Anyone game for trying this out? Latest tech from CES. http://www.geekwire.com/2017/underwater-drone-sports-fish-luring-light-baiting-system-help-hook-big-one/
  5. Welcome aboard, Justin!
  6. That's awesome
  7. Welcome aboard! Sounds like you need something like a M to MH You'll want to check rod ratings to see what one can throw. I'd suggest Bass Pro's Carbonlite series. My MH can go 3/8 to 1oz, while my M can go 1/8-1/2. Other brands/lengths may vary. But the Carbonlite is right in your range and get a lot of great reviews.
  8. Well dang, Blue! Start off the New Year with a PB. Not bad at all, I'd say!
  9. Such a great pic, @Goose52. @keeganzpapa I would think you'd want at least 12 - 16" bouys for your purposes. I made such a DIY project years ago, don't have any of it laying around anymore that I could measure for you. I *think* my lobster pot buoys were 14 or 16"... Don't even remember where I got them. Wish I could be more help to ya. They were more than enough for me and one or two of my kids or me, my wife, and a kiddo.
  10. LOL, nothing there, @Sam! Guess the file didn't upload...?
  11. Hi Tom, welcome aboard! I'm sure there are some Coloradoans who will chime in on your quest soon. Good luck!
  12. Can't help you with your relocation, but good luck, and welcome to the forums, Randy!
  13. Looks like a cool area! Better luck the next time you guys go out
  14. Welcome aboard! Again
  15. Welcome aboard and congrats on your icy bass! Nice catch!
  16. I'm with @Scott F on this. No problems in Plano boxes. My main kit is an older Plano Guide box with a large top where I keep all my go-go plastics, some jigs, swimbaits, and so on. Inside I keep other plastics (not go-to) in their bags, also keep my Boga Grips, line, hooks, and a bunch of other stuff, too.
  17. Welcome aboard!
  18. Welcome aboard, Pat!! Thanks for your service. Japan is on my wife's and my bucket list -- not for the bass fishing, but that's something I'd love to do there, too. I know some of the Japanese bass pros here in the states do a lot of drop shot... I wish you the best.
  19. Fantastic catch! And yeah, the smile says it all. Bet his heart is still pounding
  20. For me it was my first encounter with an otter in our local reservoirs. Quite the experience for me as I didn't know we had them...after the encounter I had to immediately call the ranger station and make sure I wasn't delusional.
  21. And here I thought by shorter you meant 6'6" and under! LOL. I'm in that category. Shorter rods are more my thing. Sounds like you'd be fine with a 7'6", it's only 2" shorter. I don't think you'd have trouble with frogging or swimbaiting in heavy cover with that rod.
  22. Welcome back, Darin!
  23. Welcome aboard, Todd! Briery Creek is on my list of places in VA to fish. @Wayne P. is your guide for that lake.
  24. ML is great for smallies. A St. Croix ML is going to have a great backbone. I've got a 6'3" MLXF Legend Tournament Walleye rod that I use for bass fishing and it has plenty of power for turning big largies, let alone smallies. @Will Wetline is right about fine tuning. You don't want your drag too tight, and a ML rod will load up both on cast and when "playing" the fish to your boat or shoreline if your shore bound.
  25. Trick worms - wacky, use a 2 to 2/0 wacky hook For TX, mojo, split shotting I like a 2/0 - 3/0 O'Shaughnessy bend hook. Zoom Finesse - wacky, 4-1/0 wacky hook For TX, mojo, split shotting, 1-1/0 and on occasion a 2/0 O'Shaughnessy bend hook. Haven't used the Magnum finesse worm.
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