Welcome aboard!
Some good answers above. But fishing can be as
complicated as you want to make it. I knew some
elderly gents who sat at the end of a dock and used
nothing but long poles (no reels) and bottom baits.
They caught every type of fish... I even have a
number of setups like them and have done the same.
That said, I prefer simple approaches as I enjoy the
sport for recreation, not competition. So I try to keep
things to what works. It did take time for me to find
much of what works, and I'm still looking for new
stuff (like the Ned Rig) to test out.
Being new to the sport, one can be enamored by TV
pros who hawk this or that product. But what is best
is for you to learn your waters, the structure therein,
the depth, and so forth...
Good luck!