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Everything posted by Darren.

  1. Welcome aboard! Your setup looks fine, tho I'd probably go for a MF or MXF rod. To your quoted question above, yep, its mostly preference. I'd only recommend one if you want to learn how to cast and fish with one. But honestly, it is not necessary to simply enjoy the sport of fishing. I went the baitcaster route and have only one reel with 2 rods left (one rod is MH, the other ML - for diff techniques). I still fish it, but not as often. And I spent $$ on the reel - a Shimano Chronarch 50e with upgrades (had 2, sold 1 - have other brand casters, just never use them, or passed along to my sons). That said, I like having learned and become skilled at using one, but after all the time I spent doing so, even with the goal of going all baitcasting, I ended up back in the spinning gear camp for 98% of what I do. Spinning is just (to me) simpler, less worrisome with windy situations, equally as accurate (you have to learn accuracy for either). Both are tools for a job. Both work, both can "hammer", both can "drill", etc. On a particular technique one may be better suited than the other, but that doesn't mean you can't do said technique with the other.
  2. Doesn't bother me. I don't backreel, never found the need as I feel I've got pretty good control over the fish when I'm fighting with drag setting/line choice/rod power, and so forth. I respect those who do back reel, just don't see need myself. Have both reels (in 1000 size) @A-Jay shows above, as well as a 1000 FK. The drags on these are nothing short of outstanding (IMO). The newer CI4+ model is amazing.
  3. Welcome aboard! Nice ride Several NoVA/MD yakkers on the forums. I'm sure someone will chime in soon.
  4. Thanks. That's what I was looking for. Saves me a call. Guess I'll end up replacing it eventually, when I have a spare $85 + $15 s&h laying around...
  5. Yes, fully registered. I'm doubting the downgrade, too, but keeping hope nonetheless... The LT was actually an upgrade from an Avid....
  6. For an 8 year old, it's probably just right. At 5'6", it isn't too intimidating and hard to manage for a smaller kiddo. If you think it worthy, I'd go for it.
  7. First, no, I've not called St. Croix yet, and I plan to tomorrow unless someone has already gone through this and can put my question to rest. I've been mulling over the "upgrade" plan, sending in my 6'3" MLXF LT Walleye rod for replacement - broke the tip last summer - but as I've thought about it, I was going to ask St. Croix if I can actually "downgrade" to two Premier spinning rods plus the difference. My guess is they won't do it... You may ask why I'm considering such a drop in rod quality... Well, I've picked up a 6' MLF Premiere and am really enjoying it, especially the length. I really do prefer shorter rods, even if by 3".... And while I do love the LT, I doubt I'll buy something that expensive and nice (rod-wise) again. Hurt like the dickens when I broke it. Not saying I'm *gonna* do it, just pondering it and wondering if anyone else here has downgraded with St. Croix (if even possible).
  8. Welcome aboard!
  9. Welcome back!
  10. Welcome aboard!
  11. Welcome aboard!
  12. Those look like Speedclips done better, easier! Even @J Francho should be able to use these.
  13. The trick I found with Norman's is to work them on sideways, no squeezing necessary. Then basically the same thing to work them off. (don't remember where I found that tip, but wasn't orig. with me). And welcome aboard, @hairyfish!
  14. Welcome aboard!
  15. Welcome aboard! Good luck on your first muskie!
  16. Assuming one even knew "morel mushrooms".... Which I didn't. Until now.
  17. Just started the Ned fishing this past month. It has been truly awesome. No skunks so far when I've used it! I even had three rods rigged with it last night, caught on all three. I generally avoid all foods provided by Mother Nature when I'm out and about because I simply don't know which ones are edible (for most part). So I should be safe...
  18. Congrats! Der froggenmeister!
  19. Glad you know what mushrooms are edible!! I'd be more likely to eat the wrong one and end up dead on the side of a meadow.... That said, I had a great Easter evening out on the water tonight. Ned rig saved the day, and even enhanced it! LOL
  20. Welcome aboard!
  21. DH'ers are a special breed Big drops, big travel, speeeeed.
  22. Nice work! Both of ya
  23. No idea, but good luck finding a good mech! Given the heavy boating nature of our area, I'm sure there are some good ones out there.
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