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Everything posted by Darren.

  1. Good info above, so I'll just say welcome aboard!
  2. I agree with those suggesting fundamentals, or the "basics". Sometimes when I was struggling with finding them, I would take a super simple setup - a long pole (no reel), a length of line, a hook, a float, and live bait. I would put it down near fallen trees, bushes, docks, etc. What I learned was from the variety of fish (and mud turtles) I would catch. From bluegills to catfish to white and yellow perch to bass to pickerel. The almighty nighcrawler caught a lot of species. What is like that? The almighty stickbait worm. I began experimenting with it and enjoyed more and more success. Mostly rigged wacky style. From there and over the years I began having great success with Ned rigs and hard baits, too. This site was/is an incredible resource from the forums to the articles and videos. Saturate your brain with what's offered here and go forth! Oh, and welcome aboard! And great name! @Darren71 Sometimes simplicity can build confidence which can lead to trying new and different things. I do like the idea thrown out to hire a guide. I've done that in saltwater (with groups) and man can they put you onto the fish and show you the baits and techniques.
  3. Use what feels comfortable to you-- what feels right to you. There are lots of people who use spinning gear only. I do probably 90-95% of the time, if not more. I've got an old post, don't feel like searching for it right now, where I went through my experiment to see if I could do everything with casting gear. While I found I could do most, I felt spinning was just better FOR ME for my style. There is a pro out there who uses spinning for everything from frogging to big 'ol Texas rigs, etc. I read about him, and I think if you look back at some of my posts you may find the link (or just Google it). Technology has gotten better with BFS casting gear for super light weight stuff. But money and time do not grow on trees. I don't put as much of either into fishing as I did just a few years back. So I won't be experimenting again, I'll just use what I like and not worry about everyone else. Should something come along that blows my mind and cause the bait monkey to become a bait gorilla...maybe I'll check it out. But I don't see that happening again.
  4. I'll take DK. And I'll take Miles Garrett. Hey, a guy can dream, right?? Right?? Go Bills! I kinda like the TP...apt abbreviation for Tush Push...TP. I'll show myself out. Only after saying, it works for the Bills - except when they decide to not do it properly in the AFC Championship. Grrr.
  5. Anyone say "tanks" for the season? On Unsportsmanlike this morning ESPN's Windy commented how at Christmas, Dallas was considered a title contender and absolutely nobody saw them being a possible tank the season by March. Head's should roll over the Mav's decision. IMHO. UNT grad, '92 old stomping grounds, Denton.
  6. Welcome aboard! 🤙
  7. I'm with those saying this is the worst trade in sports history. Herschel is a close second, perhaps. But Dallas early derailed off the brain train. I like AD, but he's injury prone, and the injury after his first start? Classic. Luka is a unicorn. Lakers struck gold. Paired with the aging unicorn Lebron, their future looks good if Luka stays with them.
  8. One of my favorite actors. He was a legend. RIP Gene, Besty, and the pup.
  9. Welcome aboard! 🤙
  10. Welcome aboard, Abel! 🤙
  11. Welcome aboard, James! 🤙
  12. Welcome aboard, Mike! 🤙
  13. Welcome back @rtwvumtneer6! 🤙
  14. Welcome aboard! 🤙 Very nice setup you have there!
  15. Welcome aboard! 🤙 Used to live in Basking Ridge (early 80s) and Plainfield. Never fished the waters as a boy, tho.
  16. Welcome aboard! 🤙
  17. Welcome aboard, Bob! 🤙
  18. Ladies and gentlemen. The curse has been lifted. Officially. If you know. You know. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/1EGf7Ht9gQ/
  19. And THIS ... is the question. I'm torn if I'd rather face the Eagles or Commanders....
  20. I'm (obviously) going Bills, but not so sure about Eagles. Commanders look pretty stout. At least Mr. Daniels does. If Eagles are healthy, then yeah. If not....hmmm.
  21. Ugh. I'm so sorry to hear the news. I wish you the very best and hope you find peace in the storm. Stay as strong as you can for those around you, but don't hesitate to let all the emotion out. We're here for ya.
  22. Yepper! All Stradics are salt/fresh by my understanding. Like @bulldog1935, I use mine in both. Have 5 Stradic 1000s that handle everything so far .
  23. I got in all my steps yesterday thanks to the Bills vs. Ravens game. Gonna have to fix the worn floor now. On to the Chiefs and the refs.
  24. ^^This. Native Watercraft makes excellent yaks, I've got a Native Ultimate 12 hybrid yak/canoe. I had a 10' Pelican before that and loved the maneuverability of the 10'. I've watched Greg's videos for a few years now and yeah, he's got some $$ but he does present great info on those yaks. Depending on your size, you'll be able to stand easily in both. I'm a bit overweight for my height, but standing in my much narrower Ultimate is no problem for me.
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