I agree with those suggesting fundamentals, or the "basics".
Sometimes when I was struggling with finding them, I would
take a super simple setup - a long pole (no reel), a length of
line, a hook, a float, and live bait. I would put it down near
fallen trees, bushes, docks, etc. What I learned was from the
variety of fish (and mud turtles) I would catch. From bluegills
to catfish to white and yellow perch to bass to pickerel. The
almighty nighcrawler caught a lot of species. What is like that?
The almighty stickbait worm. I began experimenting with it
and enjoyed more and more success. Mostly rigged wacky style.
From there and over the years I began having great success with
Ned rigs and hard baits, too. This site was/is an incredible resource
from the forums to the articles and videos. Saturate your brain with
what's offered here and go forth! Oh, and welcome aboard! And
great name! @Darren71
Sometimes simplicity can build confidence which can lead to trying
new and different things. I do like the idea thrown out to hire a guide.
I've done that in saltwater (with groups) and man can they put you
onto the fish and show you the baits and techniques.