I wrote this a while back but I was at the tournament on Toho. When Tak had the boat pulled out of the water he had several people around him taking pictures. He pulled a rod out that had a Lucky Craft lipless crank bait on it. He took the lure and pulled the hooks off and put on two red hooks. He then held it up as one camera man took pictures of it. Since he won, Bassmasters had a write up on him. The picture they used was that picture of the crank bait with the red hooks. Now of course I wasnt in the boat with him so I have no idea if he used the bait with red hooks, but I know for a fact when he had pictures taken he didnt have one with the red kooks until he put them on.
Just a side note to this, Golf is probably the biggest sport for people not using what they sell. I read an artical a few years ago that the title was "Whats in their bags". Although most of the top pro's in golf use a club built by the sponsor it isnt the club you can go buy. In most cases the clubs they use are a bladed club but on tv they are pushing the cavity back over the counter club. Fred Couples at the time was pushing the Lynx "Boom Boom" driver and he didnt even own one.