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Everything posted by Keepin_It_Reel

  1. I just wear swimtrunks. I did get bit by a snake once (by the way thats not fun)
  2. ;D ;D ;D i am lookin forward to this year
  3. Once again the drop shot. It is a worderfull way to catch fish and i think it is under used
  4. If you can beleave it Crankbaits have been my number one so far this year. I have boated 16 of my 21 fish on cranks this year
  5. Just goes to show you that the people on this site are the best
  6. I would like to go but i dont know if i would get much out of it. anybody know what you learn and is it worth the coin?
  7. They dont get that big by being dumb
  8. I have been throwing small shallow runnin cranks and have caught 6 or 7 this year. Reel slow and pause alot and you well catch em'
  9. You got a idea or something? Why are you interested?
  10. Avid, i thought i was temp too but LBH caught that one in 90 degree weather, i caught mine in about 25. I dont understand this?????
  11. Mine were brighter to, i will get some pics this weekend. Somebody please find the answer to this its killin' me :-/
  12. basspro, yup it starts to apear in the fall and all through out the winter
  13. Good to have you back
  14. I am not sayin that you are wrong but i fish a pond that has no crawfish none. And there lips and mouths are really red i belive that they are feeding on shad or minnows, the cold also has something to do with it.
  15. jerkbaits and sammys
  16. What diffrerance does it make if a kid looks up to some like there parnets (who they like) or an athlete that they like? And if pro athletes are just in it for the money why are we blaming them for that? if i had the talent to go pro in football or basketball you can bet your azz that i am going to take the biggest hunk of cash i can get (i know deep down that most of you would as well, even if you wont say it) keep in mind alot of pros like playing games look how fired up someone like ray lewis gets before a game.
  17. Hands down classic patterns
  18. 89, they look great to me nice job ;D If you trim them up just a tad the will be perfect
  19. I am 16 and my role models would have to be my football coach and Jermaine Oneal (basketball palyer). I like my coach because he always tells me that i do what ever i want and that if i keep tryin i can play as great as anyone, that makes me feel good. Jermaine Oneal is a good role model beacuse of how he handles himself and what he dose for kids and the communite.
  20. Maybe it was not in good shape to begin with. Before it was caught it might be possible that it was sick or just old and the fight up to the boat might have been all it could take and caused it die from shock
  21. If there were gators by me i would bring a M4
  22. It is on the left side under "Search site"
  23. 4# wont give you problems just be easy with it. Roadwarrior is a very smart man ;D (like i didnt know that) got to have a good drag sytem. When you get the fish on dont give it a "Pro Hook Set" (Really Hard) ease in to it. Trust me Gobbledog i use 15 or 17# when flippin around docks and such but this time of year lighter is better. Basspro48 those are great hairjigs i will be orderin some
  24. I would go down to 4 pound test. I use light line while jigging all sizes of jigs. The main thing is you cant be afriad to throw your lures in the nastyest places and if you worry about the line breakin chances are IT WILL
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