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Everything posted by trevor

  1. $80 for the whole combo?
  2. Don't get stuck on Quantum or even on pairing brand-x rod with brand-x reel (all brands are compatible). There is so much advertising, sponsorships, endorsements, eye candy, etc. in fishing rods and reels it can be confusing for anyone, not to mention someone relatively new to fishing. Maybe before spending $300 just wait a little, browse some forums (like this one), look for sales... it won't hurt. I think the St. Croix spinning reels are made by Daiwa. Probably better choices.
  3. Those are great combos at that price range, and even though you yourself said that $300 for two combos is cheap, there's a lot you can get with $300! The Shimano Sahara spinning reel... a neat little reel for cheap on eBay! http://www.***.com/Shimano_Sahara_FD_Spinning_Reels/descpage-SSHFD.html Shimano Compre rod... $20 manufacturer's rebate going on now! A FINE rod! - http://www.***.com/Shimano_Compre_Spinning_Rods_IM8_Graphite/descpage-SCSR.html Rebate - http://fish.shimano.com/publish/content/global_fish/en/us/index/promotions0/10-10-20.html The Sahara and a Compre are time-tested, well loved classics.
  4. The Dogwood Canyon rigs are a great value. ;D Now, I recommend these instructional DVD's. 1. "Basic Fly Casting with Doug Swisher" from Scientific Anglers. 2. " Fly Fishing for Bass and Pan fish with Skip and Carol Morris" from Fly Fish TV. Both can be purchased from the BPS online catalog. The first one will get you fly casting quickly and easily. The second will help you with bass techniques on fly casting gear. Have fun and happy fly fishing! Ahhh! Whatever they're not! :-[ They suck! Get a Scott rod with Hardy reel and some Sharkskin line and your set! ;D
  5. Uh huh >
  6. I thought he was targeting only trout, I didn't realize he was talking about bass. The Dogwood Canyon rod and reel combo I got years ago hasn't let me down once, and while not top of the line, is a great starter setup.
  7. Generally one piece: sensitive. Two piece: transportable
  8. For a good beginner rod and reel combo, check out Bass Pro Shops Dogwood Canyon Combos. I've caught tons of fish on mine, and never had any problems. Casts good enough for any stream trout fishing you'll encounter in PA. And if you are fishing streams, I would go with a shorter length.
  9. All grass and slop is my favorite, but thats really all I fish!
  10. sweet 16 ;D
  11. One of these I use for smallmouth and panfish
  12. Does anybody have any actual experience with these reels? The newer ones (S2500), not the old ones (S-400M). Here's the schematics: http://www.ardentoutdoors.com/files/uploads/s_series_manual.pdf The reel: http://www.ardentoutdoors.com/products/viewProduct2.asp?prodId=76 A review of the old Ardent S-400M spinning reel: http://www.tackletour.net/TTForums/viewtopic.php?f=57&t=30554 Picture: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150202672245123&set=o.120210572583&theater
  13. Unpopular.... the Ardent XS1000. Love it!
  14. I am certainly no expert but maybe the drag star is not threaded on correctly, or something is missing/placed wrong in the drive shaft or drag stack. Either of those could lead to the spool not turning very fast, maybe not even at all. I would guess it is more likely something to do with the pinion gear and the two springs right next to it. Here's a tip if you ever decide to take apart another reel that helped me out alot: video tape the disassembly. Get some good close ups and narrate it to yourself step-by-step.
  15. I have an Avenger by Okuma. I use it for beach and jetty fishing when I don't wanna risk an expensive reel. It has served me faithfully so far! And it was only $40, so its not a big bummer if it develops problems. Very simple to clean and maintain, except that it uses oval gears, which need precise alignment.
  16. I am 99% sure that this was not user error... like I said I only serviced them when they began to grind. And I was very careful.
  17. The grinding noise started before opening any of them up. And this has never happened to spinning reels of any other brand I have used.... But thats a good point. I think a few dots with a red sharpie can fix that problem in the future. have you sent any of the reels in for service? id love to know what parts failed. No I didn't send them in... thats a pain.
  18. The grinding noise started before opening any of them up. And this has never happened to spinning reels of any other brand I have used.... But thats a good point. I think a few dots with a red sharpie can fix that problem in the future.
  19. I love my XS1000, so I think I'll try the spinning reel. At least I'd be supporting a fully American business.
  20. No, I'm about as easy as you can be on reels. I use them, I don't abuse them. They are always kept cleaned, lubed, drags loosened. I actually border on OCD when it come to fishing equipment. Maybe I had the worst luck in the world and got three lemons, but I'm not gonna chance it again.
  21. Okay, after DESTROYING two Tierras in a few months and a Regal XiA (the blue one) in 1 month, I am through with Daiwa spinning reels. All three have bad grinding noise no matter how well I clean them and lube them, and are rough on the retrieve. Pathetic excuse for a reel. Although the drags were great...... ;D I will stick with Shimano..... Has anyone tried this reel? http://www.ardentoutdoors.com/products/viewProduct2.asp?prodId=76
  22. My favorite kind of freshwater fishing is light tackle carp, either fly or spinning gear. Around me (Lancaster, PA) there are so many what I would consider "world class" carp fisheries. The Conestoga, Susquehanna, Mill Creek, the Pequea, and tons of little streams. I love to use little "Trout Slayer" plastic crayfish by Leland's Lures on 6lb line and an Ultralight spinning rod. Or anything buggy as a fly.
  23. That's awesome!
  24. Most of all i hate getting water on my just cleaned glasses! AHHHHHH!
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