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Everything posted by Axis

  1. Hello all, I am looking to finally purchase a bass boat. I have shopped around and feel that I have found what I am looking for in the pro team 175. Question: Is it possible to push this boat well with a 25 hp motor? I mainly fish a restricted lake and 25 hp is the max. I will be fishing other water, but my main lake is only 3 miles away. Talking with 2 different dealers I received two totally different replies on how the boat would perform with this size engine. One said it was basically impossible and it would not reach plane, and another said they didn't feel it would be a problem and the boat would run approx 22 mph. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I've waited a long time to make this purchase and would hate to make a bad decision. I'm not worried about burning the lake from end to end, but want to make sure the boat can ride comfortably and preform well. Thanks
  2. Had a question, saw some posts about the events here before. I saw a friend at the store the other day, and he invited my son and me to a take a kid fishing event sponsored by his employer. I was wondering what these are about. He said they expected 150 kids, which seems like a pretty good number of people for the water area there. I was wondering if this is a public event, by invite or what. I just didnt want to be intruding by showing up, and it only be people from his job. anyone help me out?
  3. I don't think you are going to get a long way from the ramp!
  4. Just as flechero said, make SURE you have a charged battery. It is awful seeing your destination from afar, and knowing you have to paddle 2 hours to get there, trust me
  5. Show NO MERCY against the mad fisherman!!!! I really hope he takes on the challenge!
  6. you say you dont care what you catch, as long as it is fair size. I have used a public fishing pier near my home to catch some great catfish. Those flatheads will give you the best fight of anything in that lake. If you are going to fish for them, you might want to make sure you have some sturdy equiptment. To catch the flatheads, you need to catch a bream about 3-6inches, clip one fin off one side of the fish, tail hook it and cast it out. If the dock is high off of the water, this could cause a problem trying to land the fish, but I have managed a 38 lber with another person and a net. If you dont have any luck with live bream, catch a small one, cut the head off and sling it out there, the body of the fish also makes a nice bait, but make sure your hook is in the bait well for a guarenteed hook up. I love using this method, you can catch a fish that is 3lbs or one that is 80lbs, good luck, if you get a bite,,,, VERY tight lines ;D PS. You can EASILY lose your rod to the drink if you get a bite, I have seen many shot into deeper water. Use of a rodholder isn't optium IMO because most of the time the tension will snap the line when the fish takes off. either that or your pole... good luck!!!!
  7. I would make sure I got credit for it
  8. 8lbs 5oz. White/Chart double willow spinnerbait. Caught it off a point in less than 3 ft of water.
  9. Just a few pennys in the pot.... I think you have great ideas on what you plan to cover. Since you have asked for more ideas here, I think you could ask an even more helpful question.... what do we NOT want to see. The reason I don't watch too many fishing shows is because I feel they lack detail and include too much BS. Another thing is jokes. Man, I got jokes... don't need to hear more. That is the main thing that gets me about almost alllllll programing in sports and in general. People just try to be over funny way to much IMO. Hopefully this can get more answers in the thread. Like I said, seems you have the ground set for a good show, now some ideas on what people don't like about some programming. What I do want to see on the show, FISH IN THE BOAT! Maybe if it were just the outro to your commercials, show about 5-8 hooksets. I really think that would keep people tuned in, it shows you know what you are doin, without explaining! Hope everything goes well, good luck.
  10. I say of course, I don't see why you wouldn't want them to. I don't think they should fish 100% of the time, but it would be odd to me to be on a guides boat and them not fish.
  11. You guys speak of golf ponds, PEACH FIELD PONDS is where it is at. Its the same thing mentioned eariler, just irrigation ponds. You really can catch fish on EVERY cast. Highly illegal and you can run the risk of being shot.... but hey, you have to go where the fishing is good. (not sure this applies to many people around the country, but upstate SC is fullllll of peach fields). Most of the time there is also a pond for each field, for example a crossroad divides a field into 4 parts, more than likely there are at least 3 ponds. Wear them out on one, move to the next, so on. Just have the truck parked in a position where you can easily burnout.
  12. right on man, I haven't been here very long, but what has helped me more than ANYTHING on this forum is, I want to fish!!!! Reading all these posts makes me want to hit the water daily. Just three days ago I caught my personal best 8 lbs 5oz. It wasn't because I learned a new trick here, its just the motivation from all there people here, get out and fish!!!!!!! Never know when the next one will be the big one!
  13. Right on! One of the greatest places on earth... besides the water!
  14. man you really should. very informative thread, glad it was revived.
  15. Caught my personal best this morning! 8 lbs 5 oz. 24 1/2 in on spinnerbait in nearby pond
  16. Thanks for all the replys guys. I suppose it isn't just an isolated problem like I was thinking. As far as the commorant problem goes, I am really not sure. We have MANY birds but I do not recall seeing any of this nature. Lots of herons etc. Thanks
  17. as long as possible, longer if they are biting good!
  18. Hi, I am new to the forum, just stumbled upon this bass mecca a few days ago. Lots of great advice and great people here, glad I could join up and be on the team. I fish a local river about once a week. There are MANY fish here because the lake that it runs into has be lowered greatly in order to raise the water in the near future, therefore a majority of the fish have moved upstream. It is very common to catch 10-12 bass while wading through the river, most 2 lb plus. My question is this, almost EVERY fish I catch has a scar or sickly looking spot on it. I mean 9/10 usually do. They aren't huge jagged gashes or anything, but something that like a bloody dot on the fish. I thought possibly that because there is mainly rock bottoms the fish could get "bruises" that way. Does anyone know what this is a sign of? Thanks
  19. Spartanburg, South Carolina.
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