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Everything posted by lousyfisher

  1. I catch more catfish than bass it seems. Biggest was a 43" flathead that came out of weeds in 6' of water. What a fight. ;D
  2. I went ahead and mixed some of the epoxy up and am testing on a couple pieces of pvc. Right now i'm glueing two pieces together, also just adding some to the outside of pvc. I want to see if it will bond to it or peel right off. My pvc is 3/4 thick so I shouldn't have to laminate. Thanks for all the help.
  3. I have some system 3 two part epoxy that I used for some fiberglass work, do you think that would work?
  4. Is there a particular brand of glue or epoxy that you use?
  5. I'm going to start making cranks for myself with pvc and was wondering what the best glue/epoxy to use. I will be using it for the bills and screw eyes.
  6. simplejoe, what type of areas are you fishing? Are you catching smallies or largemouth? How deep is the river up that way? Down here the channel is 20 to 30ft in the summertime. Have you tried fishing the edge of the channel, I have meant to but I lose interest too quick. I was slow rolling a spinner this fall at the mouth of a back up and caught a 26 inch hybrid, man that was fun. Seems like I caught more catfish this year while bass fishing than I ever did when I was targeting cats. Oh, my brother caught a 43" flathead on a 4" worm in about 5ft of water. Shane
  7. I have just started bass fishing the past year, and would love to hear how you find and catch them. My fishing has been really sporadic, one day I will kill them and the next I can't even buy a bite. I also wondered if anyone fishes deep for them, all of the locals I know fish shallow to maybe 10ft deep. I am talking about smallmouth but if you have tips for black or kentucky I'm all ears.
  8. The temperature in the ohio river today is 36, is it too cold for smallmouth? I usually fish below the hannibal dam because of the smallie habitat, but the current is fast. Would they still be up close to the dam or would the smallmouth move farther downstream where the current slows some?
  9. does jerkbaits work well in the winter?
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