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Everything posted by bassaddict62

  1. Since I live in Georgia, the water isn't cool yet, but I guess I'll use more floating minnow-type lures, with very slow retrieves. They work well in the shallow ponds I fish.
  2. Do you have pike or pickerel in the lake? They bite off a lot of plastic lures.
  3. Two weeks ago I caught an Oscar. Yes, the same tropical fish Oscar that people raise in tanks. Obviously someone threw it in the lake rather than kill it or give it away. It fought like a son-of-a-gun too!
  4. Wow-quite a financial blow. Looks like it was a great lake. Good luck on rebuilding.
  5. Here are my main factors: 1. Find a food source 2. Find quick access to deep water (bass escape route) 3. Put the lure where the bass is - don't make them work too hard So, I just consider these three factors as I fish. I fish shallow ponds a lot, so this is what works for me.
  6. I think if the garlic helps mask any human odors, that would be enough. Most of the time bass suck in plastics so fast and deep that they couldn't spit them out if they wanted to. A lot of bass I lose are on the line for 15 seconds before I lose them, and the hook never made it through the worm. So, holding on longer is never an issue for me.
  7. All the bass I catch are light green/greyish too. Also, the lateral line is barely visible. Some of the bass in pics are vivid green with a black lateral line. I don't know what the factor is. The lakes I fish are very clear (some weedy, some not).
  8. I read that one of the best places to fish a new lake is the dam. Usually the water is deep (or at least with quick access to deeper water) and there's usually rip-rap or other structure. My favorite pond has more bass in other areas, but the dam has more bass consistently feeding.
  9. Thanks a lot! I'll check the stores around here.
  10. I fish plastics worms Texas style with 6 pound line (very clear water) because nothing in this pond can out-produce a worm. Anyway, getting a solid hookset can be an issue, even with a sharp hook. I use Renegade brand worms, which are extremely soft, but not all stores carry that brand. Can anyone recommend a very soft worm brand?
  11. a long time ago I was tossing a crankbait for LMB, but there are some SMB in the lake too. I hooked something huge, that was making long, fast runs. When it got toward the surface, I could see a brownish tint, so I assumed an Arizona State Record SMB. Sadly, I had snagged a big carp in the tail.
  12. Because I fish a lot of clear water, I tend to get obsessed with trying to get individual fish to bite even if they're not in the mood, instead of moving on and trying another spot. I'll cast to the same fish with every lure in my box before I'll quit.
  13. Today, I discovered a new way (well, new to me anyway) to rig a floating worm that looks EXACTLY like a baby water snake in distress. I mean the head rides up just a bit out of the water as it darts from left to right and undulates. I won't even try to describe it without a series of pics, but d**n! If it ends up working like I think it will, I can really bring something to the technique table.
  14. I grew up on the Johnson Silver Minnow. Not so popular anymore, because it's tough to set that huge hook. But it's a classic, and I've caught a lot of bass, pike, musky on it. Just attach a twister tail, a balloon (don't laugh-it works) or pork rind.
  15. Today, I caught an Oscar! Yes, the type you put in aquariums. At first I thought a bluegill was following my bass plug, like they do sometimes. Then, I noticed the fins, and knew this was some weird fish! So, I tied on a small Mister Twister, and the fish inhaled it, and fought like a demon! I took it to my work, and my buddy said it was an Oscar. I guess some idiot wanted to get rid of it, but couldn't bear to kill it. Of course, it would have dies come winter, but how unresponsible can you get? I sure hope they didn't dump a bunch of them in the lake. http://re2.mm-c1.yimg.com/image/1057275595
  16. Wish I had your problem! Lately I've had them tossing lures back in my lap!
  17. This is easy and time-tested. Now I don't use Spiderwire, only Stren and Trilene. http://www.fishing.sh/htmfiles/knots/tyingtraces.html www.rainbowsouthfork.biz/improved_clinch_knot.htm
  18. Only during spawning season, when it's obvious where the fish are since you're looking right at them. Other than that, no. Sometimes I swear a bass will just have to be in a spot (it has all the requirements as per theory) and...nothing. I guess the fish don't read all the articles!
  19. I'm in the Army, and stationed on Fort Gordon, Georgia, crammed full of bass ponds. I get long lunches, and my favorite pond is on the way to my actual worksite. Sometimes I'll fish before work, during lunch, and after work. One time I was cleaning bass outside my office before work started on a Friday morning, and threw the remains in the latrine garbage can, thinking that the students (I'm an instructor) would empty the trash at the end of the day. That's what's supposed to happen! :-/ ....Monday morning came and some of the instructors were dogging each other out for leaving toxic BM odors!
  20. This time of year (summer) "they" always say fish deeper, cooler water. I think "they" forget that some ponds and lakes literally have no deep water for bass to go to! The ponds I fish are 6 feet deep at most, and in Georgia that means the water is smoking hot. So where do the bass spend most of their day? In the shade. Usually, that means under the slop. But one lake I fish has very little slop, so the bass pack into the shade of overhanging trees, and any logs the beavers drag into the water. Beavers are a pond fisherman's best friend in these ponds.
  21. I caught a 23 inch LMB back in May. Been catching a lot of 14-16 inch bass pretty much all summer. Overall, my fishing is improving steadily.
  22. I use Texas rigged lizards a lot - they're great in shallow water worked very slowly. I get more action on the 4'' than the 6". Basically just use the lizard in any situation you would use a worm. Now the lure I can't get to work for me is a buzzbait. I've tried them in the morning, the evening, middle of the day, etc. Maybe I'll force myself to use one all day until I finally catch a bass on a buzzbait!
  23. Live bait is too much of a hassle to buy (no bait stores on the way to where I usually fish) and keep alive. Also, you just don't present your lure to enough fish (cover as much area) with live bait. Add also the point of too many panfish stealing your bait, and there is no reason for me to use live bait for bass.
  24. Seems like the bass are hitting the worms like they owed them money...good! I use soft worms, and they get tore up pretty fast too. That's why they come by the bag! But when you consider how cheap plastics are compared to other lures, you can't beat them. I wouldn't sweat it -just reseat the worm if it's slid all up the line, or toss it out if it's too worn out.
  25. The one lure I always retrieve with a slow, very steady manner is the Heddon Mini-Torpedo. It's supposed to simulate a mouse that fell in the water, and is trying to get back to shore. Not many mice would stop - they're hell-bent for safety!
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