Well :-[ I must be one of the guys that no one likes. This is my second boat <she's old> and the first one that really runs well. It takes a good bit of warming up to put her in gear. What I have to do is pull it around the dock to the non loading/lunching side and let it warm up there. I will say this though my launch time is very very quick. Its my loading time that I'm not good at. It's gotten to the point that I manually load the boat by wading out and hooking the boat on the wrench and wrenching her up. Its not that bad but I do get some looks. I just haven't figured out the right trailer position in order to drive it on. Plus I don't have a bon a fide towing vehicle, I use my Chevy Malibu, so the tongue is lower than the axle's.
I have to say since my loading time is alittle longer than the seasoned boater, it is better than some I've seen, I wait until the ramp gets slow before I trailer the boat.
I guess I've got to learn more about boats.
I'll try to be quicker guys. :-[