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Everything posted by Carrington

  1. i bought a bps one and its really good, just dont use the straps that come with it.
  2. ive actually moved it back to tuesday now because i have to get the breaks on my car fixed since toyota called for a recall.
  3. myself... If you want to be the best then you dont need anyone to push you.
  4. can anybody get me into a landing for the private side during this week? hoping to launch the boat and take my dad out.
  5. just spend time on the water and you will find them. if you dont want to spend alot of gas then do your research at home with a paper map.
  6. found a partner so thread closed
  7. crud, i checked the weather a week ago and it was fine. i guess i wont be going, ill probably go monday or so then.
  8. I may be taking the boat out to lake anna on monday if anyone is interested in coming out with me then just let me know.
  9. its already hitting me, last tourny i went through 15 gallons in the boat in 1 day. my fishing will def be slowing down.
  10. haha that is the same bank where i caught the spoon fish! i actually may have seen yall come in behind our boat lol im talking about that rock bank/point
  11. im still voting for anna lol, i have one seat on my boat so i could take out 1 person.
  12. your engine has an alarm on it so if that oil pump ever fails it will go of and you wont blow up your engine. i have a 1996 mercury 115hp with oil injection.
  13. i spent 3 hours today while in a tourny at my spot so id say alot of casts.
  14. btw, the only time a fin goes on my boat is if im taking my little brother wake boarding and i use the fin to stay on plane at lower speeds. But my boat pops up like nothing without a fin with a tourny load and its a 17 foot with a 115 hp on it.
  15. i just leave my line in my tackle compartment on the boat, its worked so far.
  16. that fin near the prop worries me lol, everytime ive seen those on a used bass boat it means that the boat has a hard time getting on plane or that it takes forever to get on plane. Just ask the guy about why its on their i guess.
  17. they have a team, im on vt's team and they came to one of our club tournys one time. i have no clue if they are any good though.
  18. ya, i dont know what he is trying to say either lol.
  19. first off vanish sucks, but i use invisx on spinning gear and i use 8lb test.
  20. downsize your line and baits for clear water, try a drop shot rig or a weightless worm.
  21. thats a great color, i have a few of that same color for my repala cranks.
  22. certain swimbaits make a catfish colored swimbait but if you want say a crankbait then try a grey colored crank with a black back
  23. have you ever seen a baitfish? alot of times they have a lot of blue or some shades of purple on them. Also they usually have a shiney silver on some.
  24. can you rephrase that last comment?
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