things happened in the 80's that changed music forever. ive got to have the 80's.
A friend of my can't stand the 80's either and I don't understand that much. I know it was overly glam and there were things like the keytar but........still good in alot of ways.
the 80's gave us:
Micheal Jackson - Thriller
Bruce - Born in the USA
AC/DC - Back in Black
Metallica - Master of Puppets
Foreinger - 4
on and on and on.......its not just this, that, or the other.
I'll take Metallica and AC/DC.
A little Van Halen, Guns and Roses, Styx.
A lot of these bands started in the 70s.I am mainly speaking of music that poped up in the 80s, techno and disc that started in the late 70s but was big in the 80s.