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Everything posted by scrutch

  1. reading this post has helped me identify my addiction. My name is Rich... and I'm an addict.
  2. Is there a motor that does tolerate intermittent use a little better? I have 4 small kids and once a week , early sat morning fishing, I consider a luxury. More frequent trips to the lake in 5 yrs or so but right now its possible to sit unused for a month under the right or wrong circumstances
  3. ne1 swear by the rage tail frog? what about the coffee scented ones? does coffee scent reeeeally get more strikes? i love the lifelike appearance and cant wait to see that first explosion this spring!
  4. lol i just might do that.
  5. my local walmart just put the Revo S on clearance for 74.99. I'm not a revo guy (yet), should I go buy 10 of them?
  6. that's the beauty of this forum, so many readers....and opinions...if someone's experiences or ideas are a little out of the norm, it'll usually get corrected.
  7. sounds like a great boat. I'm in indiana though, and I'm not ready for a purchase till sometime in spring. if the price is right and the boat seems worth the trip, i'd consider traveling to buy a boat. leave me ur info and when I'm ready, maybe we can talk. (assuming the boats still available) thx.
  8. Im in the south bend, indiana area. It'll be my first boat purchase. Been looking all winter. Prob buy something in spring. THX for the info... I'll check it out.
  9. perfect thx! Saw a 99 Ranger 518VX Comanche (single cons. 4 sale with a few extras) for $8700 with bad powerhead...now its over 10k easy.
  10. Can ne1 tell me what I could expect to pay to get a 200 Evinrude Ficht powerhead replaced?
  11. which one do u think is best for crankbaits? I see they're all fast or xfast action...Isnt it better to have a slightly slower action for crankin'?
  12. scrutch


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