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Everything posted by scrutch

  1. Wish you were my neighbor Rhino. You'd make some easy money if you wanted to.
  2. :-? what does this have to do with a Yammie SHO? 14 year olds get a lot of brain farts. Hahahahaha just saw the sponsor on the left side of the page and it inspired me to say something Sometimes silence is golden. Not when youre talking about RAM ;D We weren't talking about about RAM's though....... : Where is the duck tape? -gk Being used to keep the chevy together while the RAM is towing it back to the auto shop ;D --AHEM...moderator... curtains please.
  3. Great info Rhino. Having never done it, I don't think I want to try it out for the first time on my bass boat. :-/ I'm quite sure I'd screw something up and spend the rest of the day trying to kick myself in the head. Maybe I'll go next door and see if my neighbor needs and fiber-glassing done on HIS boat... :
  4. I love the idea. simple and effective. But I don't think I can get away with spacers because of the hinged bottoms. It's already difficult to lift the seat bottoms up. I think if I added spacers, they might not work at all. I cleaned out the drain holes. I think I'll carefully add a couple more. Fuel cell is right underneath.
  5. I wonder if that plastic wood is what is used for the seat bottoms (see pic #3 above). The seat bottoms are hinged. I might start storing them in the up position to aid drying as well. Is plastic wood a marine material? Where do you get it? Is it expensive? Although the fiberglassing idea I think would be the best solution, I've never messed with fiberglass before. :-?
  6. usually its from tubing with the kids that gets it really wet. ALWAYS kept in a garage. it just never dries behind there because of the carpeting. more pics.
  7. I have a 1999 Cobra 180 and I was taking my seat backs off to inspect my gas lines when I found a lot of CRUD behind the seat backs. It appears that water is leeching down behind the backs and just sitting there rotting the wood in the seatbacks. The screws were a nightmare to remove because they were so rusty. I want to replace the seatbacks with some material that won't rot. Anyone have any ideas? Also, when I reattach the seats, I think I'll trim the carpet so It doesn't go down behind the seats. I think this will allow me to put a bead of caulk along there to keep the water out. Ant suggestions? I'll try to post some pics.
  8. X2 I tried this too, but for me, if it does snag, the dropshot sinker will break off before the rest if the rig. Isn't that what you want to happen? The split shot pulls off and you get your hook back at least. yes, it is what you want to happen, but I must have squeezed the split shot too hard and broke it off. I then went back to the dropshot sinker. If that's what works for you, great. It's probably cheaper than what I do anyway.
  9. X2 I tried this too, but for me, if it does snag, the dropshot sinker will break off before the rest if the rig.
  10. See if you can find some videos online of bass inhaling food. You'll see how then.
  11. Through some experimentation, I've discovered a cool technique for protecting your dropshot weight as well as adding a little more "weedlessness" to the rig. I add a plastic bead and a pegged bullet weight on top my dropshot weight to protect the line where it goes through the metal catch of the dropshot weight. The bead slips down over the metal point and the bullet weight allows the whole thing to slip through the "gunch" a little easier. so, from bottom to top its: dropshot sinker, bead, pegged bullet sinker.
  12. Don't be afraid to go with a little heavier weight if you want. The bass will not feel the weight until its too late. By then you should already have the hook set. This extra weight will allow you to impart more action on the worm without dragging it out of the strike zone.
  13. IMHO sinker weight is dictated by how effectively you can jig the worm IN PLACE without moving the sinker off the bottom. For instance, if you're jigging it wacky style and the sinker is dragging towards you, or current and/or wind is moving it, then you don't have enough weight. The object of the game with a dropshot rig is to keep the worm IN THE STRIKE ZONE as long as possible. In regards to how does the fish get hooked: If you are properly jigging, keeping your line tight, you should feel everything that even touches that worm. occasionally you'll feel the "flutter" of a bluegill grabbing the worm. They aren't hooked because they cannot "inhale" the bait like a bass can. They bite the tip of the worm and run with it until you pop it out of their mouth. With some practice, you'll easily be able to tell the difference.
  14. LOL.. Picture just went thru my mind... standing up in a 14ft aluminum boat...setting the hook 'cause it "feels a little different"...airball...no fish...jig shoots out of water right at fisherman's head...fisherman loses balance trying to duck... SPLASH! That could make some very funny video. ;D ;D
  15. LOL...reminds me of Clint Eastwood in the movie Gran Torino. "No, I ain't comin' to your party, and don't touch my dog!"
  16. If you have that long to look for a boat, then you should watch craigslist almost everyday if you can. You'll get a good feel for what's a good deal and what to stay away from. As long as you are patient and do all the things talked about in this forum on checking out a boat before you buy (search the subject and read up), you'll almost be guaranteed to get a great used boat at a great price. Can't recommend a new boat, and especially a tracker right now. Good luck in your deployment, and Thanks for serving! We'll be praying for you guys.
  17. Gotta remember this one for sunday morning! ;D
  18. Is Falcon REALLY that good to where it'd be worth it to risk your life to fish it? Save yourself the potential tragedy and skip it. Fish elsewhere for now.
  19. Landed a toad today! New PB for me! 23.5" long. Around 6 lbs (calculated with a 13" girth) had no scale so I'm guessing the weight. Caught it on my family's farm pond. Been fishing there since I was 5 yrs old. Bit a Storm Wildeye shad. Look up...yep that's me up there on cloud 9!
  20. I'm in north central Indiana. Spawn's been done on my lakes for 3 weeks. They've definitely moved into deeper water. Look in deep weedbeds, offshore humps, channel drops and ends of points. Spinner baits have been a little more productive for me this year. Summer tube season is starting. Throw tubes over underwater humps with sharp drops close to deep water, especially if it has weeds. Just a couple of productive methods out of several that work well here. As always, conditions dictate your presentation that day, so it's a little tough to be specific. Hope this helps. Good luck!
  21. do yourself a favor and go to a launch and WATCH other people launch and recover boats. You can learn a lot by just sitting in your truck.
  22. another Cochise Chops subscriber! cool!
  23. just get them all...problem solved.
  24. I assure you sir that I ONLY pee off the back!! ;D
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