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Everything posted by scrutch

  1. Just got final approval from my wife. I'm in! Filling out the registration form right now! Today is a great day.
  2. Avast is a good free anti-virus program to try too.
  3. scrutch


    Yes, but the spider said "Wilbur" when speaking to the pig named Wilbur. Oh yes, I remember the horse too now. Still not going to see Warhorse, we saw Mission impossible instead. Good flick.
  4. I took the over. Woo hoo!
  5. The last color on the palette is a goofy green and red. I've never tried it, but I have been told by an expert that it's good for locating mussell beds. I'm gonna try the inverse for locating fish. You think it's the best for that Wayne?
  6. I used to tell people after cutting a big beaver pelt, " I think I know what you were doing, you were standing too close to the ball....after you hit it".
  7. Just leave em up all year. Lots of people do it. Lol.
  8. My wife loved this one. She's still laughing. I love to watch my Jack Russell chase the neighborhood cats. It's great fun till she actually catches one.
  9. My tornado of a two year old Kristin dropped a "fo shizzle" on us the other day. You gotta understand that we live in a mostly white Midwestern town with almost zero urban influence. Still to this day we have no idea where she could have heard that. My wife and I were laughing histerically. I think I'll start calling her Snoop.
  10. scrutch


    Thanks for the review. My wife was trying to get me to go see it and I read your review and I think it changed her mind. I can usually tell if I want to see it if the critics like it, I usually don't.
  11. scrutch


    Wasn't that a spider?
  12. My beloved Irish just lost another bowl game to the FSU Seminoles by throwing the ball to the wrong team....again. The story of the season is turnovers, way to many at crucial times in games. Again tonite, 2 interceptions in the end zone. SOMEBODY MAKE IT STOP!!! Brian Kelly said last year talking about recruiting, "I need playmakers on defense, I can manufacture offense.". I might add to that "I can manufacture offense with a quarterback who can make good decisions consistently." UGH! Congrats to the seminoles on a well played game.
  13. Like Wayne I rarely use 800 KHz. I have sometimes used it for looking under docks, but even then it's a challenge. HB's 800 KHz isn't quite there yet. I think it still needs some tweaking. For me it's 455 KHz 99 percent of the time.
  14. Windex vinegar. Water spots gone.
  15. I think you might get more use out of a pond boat. Going from a BB to a boater is a huge change.
  16. nice gesture Tom. They're going for $50-$100 online in working condition.
  17. Yes, that is correct. I should have elaborated a bit more. I use it as a general guideline understanding the variables involved. The shallower the water, the closer the numbers are to a horizontal measurement. I just have to "imagine the triangle" to help me get a feel for where the structure is in relation to the boat. It gets me close enough for a more accurate second pass. Thanks for clarifying that.
  18. I've suspected that all along... I just haven't been able to get on the water to test the initial minor change that I made. I'll be able to do that in March and fully attack the problem. The next step if the jumper didn't work was to install an RF filter. Do you know what needs to be done with the TM to mitigate the interference? (Terrova 101lb w/ iPilot)
  19. Notice how Wayne is adjusting his SI Range in the different depths and circumstances. (it's the numbers in the upper left and right corners of the screen that say 60 left, and 60 right) it is telling you that the sonar is scanning out to 60 feet from the boat on each side. You MUST adjust it as you go into different depths. A good general starting point is three times the depth. Then adjust it down for a better picture of the structure as you pass closer to the structure the second time. I like to turn on the range lines. It helps me tell how far out the structure is from the side of the boat so I can make a more accurate second pass. One more thing...it is very important to keep your speed constant when scanning. It helps take a lot of the guesswork out of reading the sonar.
  20. I have a bird 1197. Aside from the customer service issues already mentioned, I liked the plug and play features of the bird. Jut pop in the chips and they autoload. On the other side of things, I am chasing some interference issues from my mk terrova. Customer service has been very good though so far.
  21. Wow! I've been married for 13 years and I suddenly have this feeling that I know nothing. Great post happyhappa!
  22. 2010 goal: attend Roadtrip. Check. 2011 goal: same, add one point, fish with Big O one day.
  23. Words of the day "ohhh crrrap!" Kim Jong ILL from somewhere down below...
  24. ooh ouch Fumble! That sux. Pats ball on about the five yard line.
  25. I think we married the SAME woman! I knew it! Grey Wolf speaks with great wisdom.
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