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Everything posted by scrutch

  1. 480 will get you just as quick, and 480 DOESN'T let you go. Kinda like that guy in the video... the only reason he fell was because the citcuit relayed. I don't make too many jokes about that. I can't afford to take it lightly.
  2. oh yeah, it's all about the angles... Thats what Grandmas are for. I ALWAYS have a "project" that I need to get finished when those type of trips come up. It usually works, if not, then I volunteer to watch the other kids at home instead of "hearding cats" at the shoestore.
  3. What type of charger?
  4. Nice ride!
  5. So kind of a natural selection of sorts. Eventually there won't be anyone that doesn't want to wear a pfd.
  6. Welcome to the forum!
  7. I tend to agree with the three fish rule...any less than that and it could be coincidence.
  8. You diesel fans are welcome to contribute to the OP as well...the meaning behind your screen name.
  9. Oh, one more small factor in all this.... Peyton's $28 million option next year. I'm sure that plays into Irsays equation. It is very likely that Irsay will not pick it up. If anyone has ever earned the right to make that decision alone, it is Manning. If Irsay says no to Manning, you might see a huge backlash. There are colts fans who are colts fans ONLY because of Manning. Irsay is not making many friends here. The only remedy to Irsay's current ailments is another winning team....FAST!
  10. Looks like I need to go help the wife with her walmart shopping next time. . I'm such a good husband.
  11. If he doesn't return as the starter, I don't think he'll return in any capacity. Manning has also said that he wanted to play for one team his entire career. I don't see him playing elsewhere either, but anythings possible. I'm also an Irish fan so, here's my best case scenario... Manning retires as an active NFL player and accepts a job as offensive coordinator for Brian Kelly.
  12. Looks like the legend will not return to Indy. Manning and team owner Jim Irsay are at odds and they're doing it in public. Irsay called Manning a "politician" who should "keep his concerns in house" after Manning voiced his displeasure for Irsay's recent firings of most of the coaching staff. Don't look for Manning to return to Indy. Andrew Luck had BETTER be good. Talk about big shoes to fill!
  13. You are a lucky man. Glad you are ok. I watched a coworker grab a handfull of a 138,000 volt static charge onetime. We were building a tower line and had the conductors temporarily deadended on a D8 Cat. Everyone knew to approach the cat using the rubber mat that we had on the ground. An apprentice walked up and grabbed the conductors for some stupid reason. We estimated there was over 100,000 volts of induced voltage from another nearby tower line in that line when he grabbed it. Fortunately no amperage. He flopped around like a fish for a few seconds and the only thing injured was his pride. We didn't razz him at all...no not at all...
  14. I'm a lineman. This is my worst nightmare.
  15. A good mechanic will be able to tell you if it's TOO good to be true. I have that same motor in a 125 hp version and it has been very good so far. My mechanic told me those Mercs were made very well. He should pull the sparkplugs and look inside the cylinders for scarring. That will tell you a little about how well it has been taken care of. A test ride would help you shake it out. Take your time and study the boat. Good luck.
  16. OMG. Thats funny. . I've been reading it all wrong this whole time.
  17. Rage Tail Baits made in USA!
  18. Wow, I really had to slow this one down...until I put it all together...LOL...it's just pronounced "fish"... I think... Right? Gh= F O= i (short i sound) Ti= sh How in the world did you get that one figured out! It is the coolest alternative spelling I think I've ever seen.
  19. I see all types of different screen names and I think it would be interesting to hear any stories behind your names or what your names mean. I'll start... Scrutch was a nickname given to me by an older cousin as a child. I hated it then, but it grew on me over time to the point that my sisters still call me that to this day. It usually works for screen names because it is relatively obscure.
  20. It does sound like an overheating problem to me. I'm no expert but if removing the chopper doesn't work, I'd be taking it to a MK authorized service center for diagnosis. It wouldn't surprise me to find a bad resistor or something that heats up under normal use. Keep us posted.
  21. An AUTOMATIC inflatable will be on the surface too if a boat capsizes. Maybe there is a stipulation between automatic and manual inflatables. Didn't run into the CO today, so I don't have any more answers. Still a little foggy. I'm doing more research.
  22. This is very confusing. Like the above post, my Mustang vest says type II. As of now I haven't been able to find anywhere in Indiana's regulations that the inflatables count only if worn. To me, this means that if I have a vest that says USCG Approved Type II, it counts whether it is being worn or not. I'm gonna see my Conservation Officer buddy at church today and ask him (since he's the only one in our county that patrols our waters)
  23. Touché Tom!
  24. Always set a single anchor off the bow. Never off the stern by itself. As Rhino said, a second anchor can be used in the wind off the stern. The reason for this is a single anchor set from the stern can cause a boat to be swamped and sink in bigger waves. You always want your bow facing the wind and waves. If you want to use two, set the bow first, allow the wind to align the boat into the wind, then set the stern anchor.
  25. I have run into a couple bucket fishermen around here that are keeping legal sized smallies from the small river we have running through our town. They were perfectly within their rights to keep those fish. This was during the spawn and the bass were obviously females full of eggs. I took the time to educate those folks on the importance of allowing those fish to spawn. That river is a very small fishery and keeping those fish would make a significant negative impact on the population. Fortunately the bass have been on stringers and after listening to my soapbox speech they let me release the fish. In these cases the people didn't understand the effect they were having on the river. Sometimes it just takes a little patience and education to get these people to see the light.
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