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Everything posted by scrutch

  1. Really?
  2. This weird early spring has caught me with my pants down! I recently went to one of my favorite haunts and noticed the main lake temps at 55 degrees. I am usually on these waters at around 40 degrees water temps. I wasn't surprised by the temps considering the warm stretch we've had lately (75-80 degrees every day!) UNTIL I went into the shallow water channels. There I found the temps to be 71 degrees!! Really? In MARCH! I immediately began casting and located a few juveniles, but no bigger fish. I went to look for signs of spawning and saw none. I flipped a few docks and caught a couple 3 pounders. What's going on here? I marked almost no fish in the typical staging areas in nearby deeper waters. I'm at a bit of a loss here as to what stage these fish are in. The fish I caught showed no signs of spawning. The only thing I can think of is the fish have followed the warm water to feed up pre-spawn. I've never seen this lake heat up like this before. Usually the main lake is 3-5 degrees cooler than the channels. The channels typically heat up first (dirtier water, no wind). But never has it been 16 degrees cooler! Weird!
  3. Hey Mike, Has the attendees list changed much? How about an updated list?
  4. Yep. IMO a big spotlight like a QBeam is a must at night. You're asking for trouble if you aren't watching where you're going.
  5. What percent of the time do you fish with a plastic worm Catt?
  6. The difference is time. In the same amount of time his math is correct. Up like a rocket, down like a feather.
  7. I see it more like fishing itself. Imagine it with me...blue bird skies, after a massive cold front, gin clear water, everything is stacked against you. Do you go out and power fish? ("I'm going fishing and I don't care what you say") Nope. You slow down, you apply some finesse techniques. You gotta wiggle your little worm right in front of her face. Give her what she wants, make her happy. Even if it is killing you to be patient, be patient, talk nice, lovingly. Make her feel that she's more important than anything. Just like trying to seduce a double digit big girl with lockjaw. I've found that you have to be genuine too. They can see through that fake scharade like a twenty pounder looking at a beetle spin. Happy wife, happy life. Simple.
  8. The only thing keeping me from using Trokar hooks is the price. I believe in the whole cutting is better than conical point thing, but not at those prices. Maybe if my livelihood depended on it. But it doesn't so, naah.
  9. Something made contact across the terminals of the battery, or wires connected to those terminals made contact somehow. Do you have a tin or glass boat?
  10. Nope. It just takes a little finesse.
  11. Does that mean there will be a new Man Show?!?! Sorry to hear of your busyness.
  12. One time I was standing outside the stall while my four year old son was making his "afternoon constitution". Another guy came in and was obviously in a hurry. He was a couple stalls down when the "big release" took place rather loudly. My son immediately began laughing histerically at the guy and then shouted "That was a big poop daddy!". I managed to keep my composure until the guy responded with "There's more where that came from".
  13. I think the next time I get a chance, I'll load up the rugrats and go to Potato Creek for a little eagle watching hike. My kids would love that.
  14. I was wondering wha the heck she was saying! Crazy girl couldn't even speak English! You guys should stay away from those breath mints they put in those sinks! They taste terrible!
  15. Oh no! You mean that thing is NOT a sink???!!!!
  16. It's been a really long time since you've been able to see Bald Eagles in Northern Indiana. Just read in the paper today that a pair has just been seen in an abandoned osprey's nest at Potato Creek State Park. It is one of my favorite haunts to bass fish. I really hope I get to see them this summer flying over my boat!
  17. Purity of heart at it's best. Attaboy!
  18. I was walking with two coworkers at night looking for downed power lines after a storm (I'm a lineman) in a utility easement. We were shining our lights up at a pole when I heard a fluttering sound followed immediately by a loud THWACK. Then my buddy falls flat on his back and starts screaming like he was getting eaten by wolves. Totally confused, I shined my light down at him to see him holding his forehead trying to figure out what just happened to him. I then saw something moving in the grass a few feet away. I went over and picked it up. It was a huge bat! It had flown at full speed, directly into my buddy's forehead in the middle of the night. I laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants!
  19. You can get away with doing it backwards with Pepsi much easier than Coke. Coke poured over ice comes out super flat, and the foam is way more than Pepsi. No more POP on a regular basis for me too. My dad's a diabetic and I'm not gonna push it. I haven't drank it in so long that when I try one every once in awhile, it tastes too sweet to me and I usually end up pouring the second half out.
  20. It's one of my wife's favorite restaurants. The one by us is pretty good. I've been to some in other cities that made be belch for hours.
  21. This list is long. I wish I had a dime for every time I saw overstretched spandex at Walmart! GAG! There's a guy that comes to pick up his kids from church on Wednesday night in his pajamas! My wife and I call him PJ boy at home.
  22. You kinda want your cake and eat it too, but I can't fault a guy for trying to save a little money. You might try what Packard says and look for a used combo. You could maybe pick up a used Okuma round reel or a Shimano Cardiff. For a rod, I'd just look for an old ugly stick or walmart special that is rated for the weights you'll be throwing. Good luck!
  23. There are a few lakes in northern Indiana that get stocked with trout the most notable is Clear lake, but it is two hours away in the far northeast corner of Indiana. I'll check out those books. Sounds like there is some interesting info for me to discover. Thanks Deep.
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