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Everything posted by scrutch

  1. I'm amazed that your wife even let's you into the house. My wife would lock the doors if she knew I was gonna attempt to put one of those into my house. My advice is to wait. But take my opinion with a grain of salt. I'm the husband of an arachnophobe.
  2. Well, I would say that most of the people that read this thread and say "I would NEVER behave like that" may have never been in that situation. I have never been a pro fisherman so I can only relate to this from my experiences as a golf pro. When you put every fiber of your being into a profession like that, it takes on a different form. It is pure passion and love for what you're doing that drives you to greatness. NO ONE has ever achieved greatness without it. That passion takes on different forms in different personalities. When I was young and less in control of my emotions, I would throw a few tantrums during practice rounds while I was alone. And a couple times I embarrassed myself during a round of golf with people watching. That embarrassment is what helped me control myself in the future. Everyone needs to know what that passion feels like. In me, it feels like a monster inside me pushing me to absolute perfection, and when you fall short of what you percieve is perfect, that monster wants to roar. Because you have put everything you have into what you love to do and you are millimeters away from validating all those hours, days, weeks and years of preparation, and you get beat. Yeah, it is nearly impossible to control that passion in that situation. I'm not condoning the behavior, but I understand it. And I won't judge him looking down my nose at him.
  3. Mike is just passionate. It's what drives him to achieve what he has achieved. We all could stand to walk a mile.
  4. Did he just say "doofusness"?
  5. Mike, did you check to see if the batteries were filled and charged before taking that bus? (only Roadtrip attendees will get this one).
  6. I had a little "Ike Moment" at the 2012 Roadtrip recently. We were deep cranking on a shcool of fish stacked up on a bridge. We were BOTH hooked up and fighting a couple good fish when mine came off. I was very amped up because I wanted a "double" for both of us. I jumped up in fun frustration when it happened and out of impulse I slapped the water with the crankbait. I never thought that it would break the crankbait, but it did (it was a Rapala DT20). I never cussed, I just yelled and Gary just laughed at me while landing his 3.5 pounder. He just said, "Yup, Rapalas do that." I think he might have been speaking from experience...I don't know for sure. We went on to land a bunch more fish off that bridge and broke three more cranks in the process. Not out of frustration, they broke from casting them into the low hanging bridge. The school was under the bridge. We are the two charter members of the newly formed Guntersville Busted Lip Club!
  7. I wanted to tell everyone that I had an awesome time at this years Roadtrip. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting all of you, and seeing some of you again that I met last year. I had the pleasure of fishing with a few of you and I gotta say that I wish we lived closer, because you all are people that I enjoy spending time with. I have finally arranged my pics and videos. If you want to see them please send me your email address so I can send you an invite to the yousendit folder they're in. If there is an easier way using yousendit, please let me know. It is the first time I've used that service, so I'm a noob. I've said this before, and I'll say it again, having been a member now long enough to get to know this site and a few of it's members fairly well, I now understand what makes BassResource.com such a special place. It is the people. This site's owners Glenn and Keri, it's mods, and it's faithful members are a special group of people and I'm proud to be a part of it. Rhino, send me your email address and I'll get you those videos. Ghoti, pm me your mailing address and I'll send you a bottle of that Oliver Blackberry wine. Gene, if you have any copies of pics and videos of our day on the water, I'd love to get them. You can shoot them to needgolflessons@hotmail.com if that works for you. If you haven't ever been, ya needta! Roadtrip 2013 is sure to be awesome!
  8. Met Chris Lane tonite. Really cool, down to earth guy. Most people who meet him probably have no idea how famous he really is. He's THAT down to earth. Thanks a ton to Big O for all the cool stuff! Awesome! We're all missin ya man! I won a rod in the Tackle the Storm raffle tonite. Lots of really cool prizes from really cool companies. This Roadtrip is a blast!
  9. Things are heating up! Fishing is getting better each day. Look out RW! We will not go quietly into the night!
  10. Overheard at breakfast... RW telling Glenn and Keri to "drive it like you stole it!". I think he was referring to WMD's boat! Lol:)
  11. The brothers have arrived! Room 409 for all you groupies. Plotting our big bass show this morning. Sounds like the name of the game is gonna be staying out of the 20-30 mph winds today. It shouldn't be hard though, there are mannnyy places to launch and fish in sheltered water. We will be looking for grass and shell beds and shad. Results to follow.
  12. Looks like I'll be taking you up on that cot offer Rhino.
  13. Have almost everything ready on the boat. Still need to pack the chorts n chirts Friday nite. I am definitely gonna miss my littlins. It's gonna be hard to be away from them an entire week...again. The wife and I just got back from our route 66 Roadtrip in Arizona and Las Vegas. I'm taking the iPad so I can FaceTime them. That will take the edge off. This Roadtrip is the last real "vacation" I'll get this year. I'm not counting Disneyworld in June as a real vacation. That's pure work with my crew. Simp just called me and we did a little game planning. I got him in my boat on Sunday so lookout y'all, with Simp's guide services plotting the course, I think we just might take a real shot at that big bass contest! See y'all Saturday!
  14. That's great Kent! I might just take you up on that!
  15. Sounds like snake oil sales to me.
  16. Water clarity rules here. Clear water is a match the hatch situation much more than heavily stained muddy water. A good way to find out what the forage is, is to call the DNR and find out who the fisheries biologist is for your lake and call him. He should also be able to point you to some public info on his population studies. Nobody knows more about your lake's fish population than him.
  17. Yeeeeeeee-hawwwwwww!! I know he lives there. Will he be fishing with anyone? If so, the line begins right behind we gentlemen...
  18. Wow Tom, you're a machine.
  19. I didn't realize it until this post but Scorcher214 and Scrutch are visually similar. I did check on a cot and might take you up on it if nobody contacts me wanting to room with me. I have until 6:00pm Friday to cancel with no charges. I hope to decide before that.
  20. I'm still looking for a roomie. Does anyone have a single room they might be willing to change to a double? I have a double room reserved but would rather not be stuck with the bill alone.
  21. A lower unit reseal cost me $350 a year ago. Fishing line wrapped around the prop was the culprit!
  22. I think I would enjoy this. I love to treasure hunt.
  23. I'm still lost.
  24. Simp has me booked for Sunday for sure. How's Wed sound Chris? Rhino, what about Simp and I in your boat on Sunday (as long as everyone has a boat seat). I think it would be a great scouting run to get the week started off right! Ok with you Simp?
  25. Ghoti, you might be starting a little swap meet on the side. Great idea! I'd love to do a little horse tradin at the Roadtrip. Does anyone need a roommate? I do now that my buddy has bailed. I have a empty bed from Sat 21st to Sat 28th. If anyone is in a room alone and wants to cancel and double up with me let me know. I'm open for other arrangements too. I just don't want to room all week by myself. ALSO...Long Mike, I have an open seat every day of the Roadtrip. It sounds like Simp might jump in for a couple days, but I'm open for all comers for the rest of the time. I'll let you know which days Simp wants.
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