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Everything posted by scrutch

  1. The Lin 10 looks like it was made by Lamborghini.. Makes sense why you would order one. Sweet reel. We expect a full review!
  2. AHEM... Allow me to swing the gate open... Long Mike? Attempt WIT? Robert, in your opinion, is there a noticeable difference between the high end rods like Dobyn's DX or Steez and the uber high end stuff like MB and Evergreen?
  3. A good multi-bank on-board charger is a very worth while investment.
  4. I think you'll be fine too, but I wouldn't pass up an opportunity to upgrade to more thrust in the future. You can NEVER have too much thrust. I went to a 101# thrust on an 18 ft Cobra and I've never thought I had too much. In fact, there have been a couple times I needed the extra power. When it comes to TM thrust, go big or go home.
  5. I went from a MG 41# thrust to a MK 101# thrust Terrova with iPilot. As you can imagine, I like my Minn Kota. Can't really compare the two motors as they're in totally different thrust classes, but I've been very pleased with my Minn Kota. They have WAY more cool features available. Once you try the ipilot, you won't go back.
  6. You have an interference problem. The parallel vertical lines all over the display is noise interference from something else on your boat. Possibly your trolling motor. Try turning your TM off and on while watching your screen to see if the interference disappears.
  7. Sorry guys! I'm back. I've had my hands full this week to say the least. Wayne took care of the answer. All the way to the dam dam. Sorry for the delay Jeff!
  8. If it looks like a duck... Yes, you have no proof. But you have your gut feeling. You don't need to accuse him of anything to protect yourself accordingly. If you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting what you're getting. Change up your routine, find another ramp, another lake, something. Protect yourself.
  9. I love it! I always wondered what they did with Michael Jackson's pet monkey after he passed.
  10. I want some of them too! AND a Rage Tail boat wrap!
  11. I'll pop it in and look for ya tomorrow night when I get home Jeff. Send me a pm to remind me in case I forget. I have a ton of irons in the fire right now.
  12. I could handle most of the other four word phrases, but I think the phrase that would make me go postal would be "I'm not a woman".
  13. Just opened the mail to receive my "Roadtrip surprise". A package of the new Rage Tail Menace! Thanks Big O for keeping your word! See you at Pickwick! Thanks to Glenn and Keri for handling the distribution! I can't wait to give these new baits a shot!
  14. Not only will I save you a seat, I'll let you be in charge of the string on the bow!
  15. hey now... My wife is goin to hairdresser school to learn how ta be a lawyer, and when she gits out we're gonna sue you for inflammation of character!
  16. There's always soap opera reruns Mike! Rambo's kill chart... http://fox-tractorfacts.blogspot.com/2008/01/john-rambos-kill-chart-film-by-film.html
  17. If yer lucky Jeff, I might have one uh them boats at Pickwick. If ya are nice, I just mite letcha fish outa it.
  18. oops. sory. me littlins er hedded back ta skewl today an ill halfta be helpin em wit home werk...wurk. that OUTTA make me a lil better. sory. i'm thinken obout home skewlin. whatcha think? i gotsta git me wanna them tampon boats. I just hate tyin that string on the bow ever time I gotta go off in the woods ta poo. if that string was all redy thar, I jus might make it next time!
  19. Nope. Just hook it like you would a regular offset shank worm hook. The weight slides thru the grass ahead of the worm. Remember, drag slowwwwwwww. Very slowwwww.
  20. ok mike, need something to due? i'm gunta start misspeeling wurds and not capitalize the first wurd in a sentence. that outa keep yuns bizzy.
  21. I have one and I would NEVER go back to cable steer. There are so many awesome features that I use every time out. Basically you have a remote control boat. Think of all the things you can do... Spotlock... wind, current, it doesn't matter, you're staying put. Autopilot... Set the course and speed and it will keep that heading no matter the wind or current. Find a spot in the middle of the lake you want to fish? Hit the Spotlock upwind of the spot, wait for the wind to turn the boat and go to the back of the boat and fish. Need to go back to the truck for something on a windy day? Drop yourself off at the dock, use the remote to drive the boat out a hundred feet or so, hit Spotlock, and go to the truck. When you return, drive your boat to the dock and pick yourself up. Buy one with ipilot. You won't be sorry.
  22. Split shot rig with a sixteenth ounce weight using a zoom trick worm. Slider heads work great too. This is what they are if you have never seen them. http://www.sliderfishing.com/Snagless-Slider-Head-WSH-WSH.htm They work great because they lay on top of the grass. Just drag it slowly, very slowly. I learned this technique from Chris at Tech during last year's Roadtrip. Thanks Chris!
  23. Go with your gut feeling. It's usually correct. If it bothers you, tell her about it. There's no replacement for communication in a relationship. She should honor your request if it bothers you that much. It might be a good gauge for how important you are to her. Actions speak louder...
  24. Wow. I wonder if he can hit a dinner plate at 100 feet.
  25. Your faith is now being tested. Keep the faith and make it stronger. PM sent.
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