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Everything posted by gradythebassmaster

  1. and what are your thoughts on the mossyback series?
  2. ok thanks. i am now left to choose either gl3 or imx. i hear that the imx rods are easy to break however? is this true (i beat the hell out of my rods). is the imx tough enough for heavy cover?
  3. .hey guys i am asking you guys for some advice here. i am debating if i should get the new gl2 flippin pitchin rod or just a 7 foot heavy gl3 or an imx i am looking for a new loomis rod to use for flippin pitchin frogin heavier short line kinda stuff. i am debating if i should get the new gl2 flippin pitchin rod or just a 7 foot heavy gl3 or an imx. which one do you think i should go with. i have heard from many people that the new gl2 rods are just paying for the brand name... is this true?? thanks price is not an issue i get half off on them
  4. i hope to try that in erie this year. saw them doing it on Zona's awesome fishing show
  5. Awesome pics guys i wanna see more! ;D
  6. Not sure i hope not i think i will be going to erie for smallies this spring :-/
  7. hahaha!!!! welcome to the burgh!!!!! ya we have some pretty good bass fishing but you really have to figure them out here. i rarely ever have just one spot around here to catch fish. its like they are mutalating your lure one day and then switching ponds the next. maybe its just me raystown lake and if you want try lake arthur.
  8. oh yeah it isn't exactly the easiest process! bass and other warm water fish are easier to skin cause they have a much thicker skin. trout and salmon are mainly light skinned and require a fake (reproduction) head. i just got into it a few months ago and am getting steadily better at it. and yes, it is true that the painting is the largest part of fish taxidermy mainly because the color fades a lot to completely and it is quite a chore! well i just thought i might ask but thanks for being at least interested ;D
  9. hey guys i thought i might ask around and see how many of you do fish taxidermy like me?
  10. hey my name is grady codd. ;D i live in western pennsylvania and i love bass fishing. i am 15 years old. i am mainly for bass fishing but i do some pike, trout, and a lot of other things. where i live i am not offered the best or even close to great bass fishing so it gets pretty overwhelming seeing others on tv and not being able to go fish my self. thanks guys!
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