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Everything posted by frogflogger

  1. Check out Miller Wilson fb - young guy started as a real young guy in Australia. I think any career in the industry now is going to need a strong background in the digital world. Going to the classic rubbing shoulders and asking questions would be a good thing.
  2. Or t-rig it tentacles forward weightless and let it swim back under vegetation or brush - really good versatile bait.
  3. I would cover water fast - topwater for me - looking for any aggressive fish then get out the ned rig or finesse of your choice.
  4. I have caught the majority of my bass over 7 on topwater - mostly frogs - some on spooks - never got over 5 with poppers. I caught a 7.3 on a 1/16 orange beetle - I've caught them on jig and pork, jig and plastic - plastic worms of various lengths, one on an old hawaiian wiggler - but if I am after a big one I will throw a big topwater all day until I become more proficient at throwing big swimbaits. That said I've never landed a dd
  5. I remember one trip in the glades when my client beat his personal best 3 or 4 times. It was in the low 90's and the water temp was in the upper 80's. He caught his biggest of the day at 12:30. It was his first experience throwing frogs. He had been reluctant to throw frogs because of the heat and time of day - wanted to stay with senkos his confidence bait. I'm pretty sure he now has a box full of frogs and that he fishes them all day.
  6. When not fishing for money - I'll change around throw crazy stuff, I've learned a lot doing this - and at this stage of my fishing (70+yrs.) I like to catch them my way - it's fun to throw a big noisy topwater gizmo in the middle of the day and have giant blowup Occasionally.
  7. Fogy? What kind of lure?
  8. Trilene xl - until he decides on something else.
  9. In my mind they are longer bodied - when I first fished Florida I noticed that and to my surprise they fought like the very devil. I see those Ca. blimps from stocker trout feeding and am amazed at how they can fill out.
  10. It can be intimidating - years ago when I first could afford a boat I had difficulty and was intimidated until a very good fisherman told me to not try the whole lake but take an area of the lake and fish it thoroughly - this worked for me on Kentucky lake on my first trip. There are always some fish shallow and some deep - some schooling and some loners. You may not set the world on fire but you can usually get some feed back that will help you expand and dial in what structure and/or cover - for me it is usually a combination of both.
  11. Somewhere between 1 and 100 I never know.
  12. There is a team that has been fishing tournaments in the everglades for years who have won many many tournaments fishing toads and such on the flats and one of them uses a med h spinning rod with braid and they weigh in 25lb sacks often over the years. Just pointing that out that the ideal setup for most may not work for you. Find your comfort zone and go catch some bass.
  13. I drove trucks for a living at one time - I am a coast guard licensed Capt. - most of the mayhem I saw in both jobs was due to ignorance (stupidity?) - How you can let someone get in a boat that runs 60mph without training is beyond understanding. At the minimum all boaters should know the Rules of the Road by heart.
  14. sufix tritanium!!! - extremely abrasion resistant - tt has a good review on it - we used it for snook fishing around bridges and mangroves - it is tough tough tough - great flipping line.
  15. So a fellow on Guntersville runs up on another angler's boat while idling along looking at his graphs and talking on his cell phone? I think no one was injured. But I feel like I've entered the twilight zone when I read stuff of this ilk -
  16. Won the 1st 4 tournaments I fished with a casting outfit and a spinning outfit. - I now carry way too much stuff -
  17. 360 gt runs okay for me
  18. my boat you must step on seat or leap gazelle-like over to the rear deck.
  19. Yep - plop plop plop ka boom
  20. Ned rig not a new deal - just a very effective way to catch bass - lots of anglers have been using it for decades.
  21. Braid for frogs - have used dozens of spools of fl - it has its place but I've fished mono deep and shallow for many years and I like it and will continue to use it - they say the density of fl makes it more sensitive but sensitivity is a subjective thing. I've guided many people over the years and some of them couldn't feel a take with any line and others could sense the most delicate bites.
  22. Wahoo - trolling black and red feather at 10 knots - Wahoo!
  23. Once you eat fresh wahoo - you know how they got the name.
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