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Everything posted by frogflogger

  1. Knowing from experience the heartbreak of losing a child - there are no words.
  2. Fishing clubs in Europe come to the U.S. to fish for carp. They are considered a game fish by many cultures. I've caught them on dry flies - they can pull!
  3. Casting a lure into the water - looking for fishy lairs - anticipating - that's fishing - Get proficient at the casting and looking and keep anticipating - the catching will come - but enjoy the learning, the pursuit and the anticipation. It is all so much fun.
  4. Have caught thousands of bass on spinnerbaits with glass rods over the years. Back a few years we sharpened our hooks but the hooks now are much sharper. I still prefer glass for many applications
  5. Trolling is the most overlooked approach to bass fishing. You can learn a lot about a lake and catch fish you would normally miss.
  6. Don't be afraid to throw in open water. I've had times it was more effective than a spook.
  7. I have several - some with no props - they all catch bass.
  8. Don't quit trying -
  9. Great lure - I would fish with it -
  10. After losing two possible dd's in one afternoon with my xf I knew I needed a change - perhaps soft is the wrong description but a tip with flex (for me) makes casting and working a frog easier and as for hooksets no problem as the frog is usually inside the mouth. Braid with an xf rod can take a lure away from a fish (for me) or rip it out. Most of my frog fishing is long casts to cover as much water as possible and also to give the fish longer to target the lure. I now routinely fish open water and have fish come from as deep as 20' (since leaving sofla). All this said I can walk a frog but usually don't - finding a chug chug usually more effective. But I use several retrieve variations until I find one that works for the time and place. Frog fishing is my favorite to the point I have stuck with it when I may have done better doing something else. I showed many clients my technique and many of them caught their pb and caught the fever. I could go on and on here as I'm a bit of a fanatic on frogs but whatever works for an angler is what he should use
  11. Lets them eat it better - I frog fished 250 - 300 days a year for three years a decade ago - Lost or missed too many fish with the xf hvy rods. Like a rod with lots of power but give in the tip. Have an old Daiwa LT frog rod that is almost parabolic and was a good frogger. I go back to sofla most winters and the game hasn't changed and I think many pros go for the softer tip. Also casts better.
  12. Softer tip - softer tip - heavy or med heavy but a softer tip.
  13. Sure wish you would get some replies.
  14. Something for all to bear in mind about tournaments. You can see a major tournament with the best sticks in the business and sometimes there will be a blank or two, and guys struggling to catch one or two - it's fishing, be creative,have fun and hang in there--and never underestimate topwaters.
  15. That's nice equipment and will do what you want. Although for frogging I like a soft tip.
  16. Jason Lucas recommended squidding line for the old baitcasters - but we could never find it in the midwest. We did find some 9# tournament silk that tournament casters used and we used it until we ran out - then we used braided nylon. I wonder how the spectra braid would work?
  17. I used frozen bottles of water and salt in my livewell tournament fishing in FL had good results but I never felt good or confident hauling fish around in hot weather - I like the mlf format and wish it was the norm for all tournaments. Weigh ins never excited me that much. I still cringe when I see the big ones haul fish for miles in their live wells and then hang them out for everyone to see. We need to be good handlers of this precious resource if we want this sport to thrive and grow.
  18. 61 at night 90 daytime here in the hills.
  19. Spooks are a known big bass bait - sometimes other topwaters work better particularly for smaller fish - in heavy vegetation we had excellent results with the boze zz walker (sp) it was soft plastic rigged with frog style hooks. I try to not look at a spook when retrieving but wait until I feel the pull after the splosh.
  20. The way I learned was by trolling.
  21. Just keep fishing in it and you will figure it out. Great way to fish and you will learn a bunch about boat positioning for better success.
  22. Those are all rated by success in major tournaments for tournament fishermen. Lots of great places for the average guy to explore without having to go to one of these - except for me I need a big O fix annually - drifting over miles of vegetation - hurling frogs and swimbaits - bird watching.
  23. Fishing and guiding in Florida for years I know that many many dd bass are never reported. Although it gets a lot of attention from bass fishermen I was always surprised there weren't more considering the insanely good fishing for bass in the everglades for numbers up to 7+ pounds and the occasional dd. Almost any fresh water pond or canal you see in the state is capable of a dd. It is frog a fishing paradise. That said the water there is unique and not always comfortable for anglers use to reservoir fishing.
  24. I suffer from too much fishing stuff also - every single lure I have would catch a bass but I'm kind of into fishing really big baits or the little rig anymore. For the last couple of years I've just handed boxes of lures to young guys just starting to fish - just need more young guys around I reckon because I still have much more than I can use.
  25. The verdict on herbacides is still out - there has been quite a bit of research showing some issues for fish health. But no matter it does make them move.
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