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Everything posted by panseco

  1. I agree. I love the game and figure that a lot of the players are juiced and have been for a long time. I have never been a Mac fan nor a Card fan but being the hitting coach is about as ironic as you can get. What the ..... are they thinking?
  2. No other bass fishing site, that I can find, can hold a candle to this one. It is my "getway" place when I can't get to the water. It is THE place I have gained what knowledge I have in hunting for ole bigmouth. I go nowhere else on the www. Thanks guys/gals for this place.
  3. Go figure! When I started this thread I was feeling sorry for myself because it was too cold to be on the water, (for me at least). Now it is Saturday and supposed to be warm enough but I gotta get stuff together to take a trip that my daughter planned for me. Leave Sunday morning and it is to be in the 60's and a beautiful day to be on the water but, alas I have to go. It's going to be really tough but I must go - daughter has me going to Key West for a whole week. What can I say, somebody's gotta do it so I will try my best to have a good time. Ya all think it will be a tough week?
  4. Here in west Arkansas today at 2:15 pm it has not even got up to freezing. Wanted to go wet a line but not today.
  5. Thanks for the replys. I am going to try to locate a dealer and see about getting one of these, one with the side viewer. I don't expect to be able to catch any more fish but perhaps I will be able to tell if there are any there. Thanks again.
  6. Has anyone here any experience with the portable fishfinder called 'fishin buddy' ? I have a 14' jon boat and can't seem to catch any fish out of so thought if I had a finder it might help. Don't want to install a permanent one. Just wondering if anybody knows about these.
  7. Does going to bed at midnight and getting up at 3 a.m. every morning count as insomnia? Uncle Arthur comes to call about then so I get up, make coffee and surf this site. Too early to go to the bass hidey hole so I read about it.
  8. Hey, cut the guy a little slack, he may not have had anyone take him fishing before. I was in my 30's before I went fishing. I was lucky to marry a woman who's dad took me and have been trying to catch fish ever since. Get him a setup that you can afford and take him with you. If he don't like it, then oh well, but you never know until you give it your best shot. My FIL has always seemed to like me but my MIL still doesn't.
  9. I to use the clinch knot for spinnerbaits. Have lost some spinners because the knot appeared to have come loose. I will use the palomar now.
  10. I put plywood on top of my bench seats to attach my seats. I wanted to use 3/4" but used 3 layers of 3/8". It looks as though it will be sturdy enough. So I would think that the 3/4" will be alright to use.
  11. Welcome
  12. panseco

    New here

    Been on this site for a long time but just joined the forum this morning. Have been reading some of the posts and am going to be here alot. I am an old geezer in Arkansas that loves to fish for bass. I am retired and have a lot of time to fish but it seems that there still is not enough time. I don't catch very many but I sure do love to try. Look forward to reading the posts and learning from all of you.
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