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Everything posted by eloo

  1. Have really enjoyed viewing all the great posts and pictures. Thanks guys. Have been somewhat remiss with my own posts,however. Out on 10-4-11 after it had been raining for 3-4 days in a row. Felt that the odds were against me for numbers so I threw a 4in. keel weighted swimbait hoping to entice the big girl. Happy to report that she obliged. 7.1 lbs a personal best. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  2. Great advice as always Shane.At Turee on tues. slowly dragging/shaking a C-rigged Devil's Tongue(it floats) by Creme Lures in the deep water. Two strikes. Missed the first but got a hook into the second. Last LMB of the season. Happy Holidays everybody. See you in the spring.By the way nice fish Shane!
  3. A bass tried to crush a frog I threw next to a dead tree.It missed the frog and crashed so hard into the tree that it snapped a 1in diameter branch.No cartwheels but that had to hurt!By the way,the bass came back and crushed that poor frog around 10 seconds later.
  4. Great job Mark!Don't you love that topwater strike?
  5. My pomeranian loves to go fishing.She gets quite excited when we catch one.I do not have a camera but last Sept my wife went out with us to get some pictures of the sunset and took this picture of me and the pom after ''we'' landed a nice one. Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  6. Beautiful fish fmoore.Just goes to show you that everyday is a new day when it comes to fishing. Was in NYC over the weekend.No LMB to be seen in the Big Apple but also visited some friends who live on a beautiful private lake 50 mi. outside the city.The fishing was awesome.There was a 30ft dock and a raft 60 ft. beyond the dock.On either side of the dock were lilypads and trees overhanging the water.There were good sized LMB(2.5-3.5 lbs.)hanging around in all these areas and IMO put the LMB I catch in Turee to shame. The most exciting encounter was at 10pm.Pitched a Stanley Ribbit near the overhanging tree and during the retrieve the night silence was shattered by a vicious topwater strike.It sounded like someone slammed the surface with an oar.I literally jumped.Thought it was a pickerel because my line snapped.Rigged another Ribbit and tried again.Another heart stopping strike and this time the poor frog's legs were gone.Thought it must be a pickerel because the LMB in Turee do not do that type of damage to a frog with one strike. Threw out the third frog of the evening, and finally got a good hook set after he clobbered it again. It turned out to be a 3.5 lb. LMB with the worst attitude in the world. I was lucky to land him. The next morning, went out on the lake in a rowboat and fished the lily pads unfortunately, my spinning reel with 8 lb mono was no match for these fish in the pads. I only managed to land two of the 6 that I hooked and that was because they were only about 2.5 lbs each. The other fish, to put it bluntly, fed me my lunch in the pads. Sorry about the long post, but I had a blast and wanted to share it.
  7. Good luck to everyone this friday.I'll be on the way to NYC to visit family and friends.5 LMB tonight on Turee pond all on Stanley Ribbits in tight and I do mean tight cover.Ribbits are a very versatile bait.You can work them on top or as I have discovered pitch them into tight cover.4 out of the 5 caught tonight were tucked under very tight cover right on the shoreline.The Ribbit slowly sinks and with a slight twitch or pull has very good action underwater.I was pitching into small openings 10-12ft from the boat and they were hitting it hard.Pitched into an opening that was no more than 3-4ft from the boat not really expecting anything and while looking off into the distance and not paying attention nearly had my rod ripped from my hands by a good sized LMB.It happened so suddenly that I had no chance to set the hook and the bass was gone almost as quickly as it appeared.What a rush!
  8. I live in Bow and heard Shane howl.I thought it was the Wolfman .Speaking of fatties,I've noticed over the past week or so that the LMB at Turee pond are getting chunkier.Caught 3 last eve and even the small ones(12-13in)had a nice belly.I caught the largest one pitching a Stanley Ribbit into a small opening in the weeds right next to to the shoreline.It was 17in. and had a large belly.Looked like it had been feasting.Most of the LMB I've taken out of Turee tend to be somewhat thin but they appear to be lining up at the buffet,at least lately.
  9. Caught 6 LMB tonight on Turee pond.5 of them on a Stanley Ribbit fished near the shoreline(love that topwater strike).After a pickerel bit through my line,switched to a wacky rigged 5 inch senko and caught 1 more near the outside weedline.
  10. Sweeet fish jaystraw!Hooking two hogs within ten minutes is awesome.I've been throwing a swimbait and rage tail frog recently.Caught my first two bass on a swimbait friday and a couple more on the frog last night.Having fun and gaining confidence in new techniques.
  11. Nice job badcrawdad and bwillis.Looks like that bass picked on the wrong crawdad!
  12. Nice job unhbass.Sounds like you had a great time.Had some fun at Turee pond this morning.Tried a double fluke rig for the first time.This rig gives the appearance of a smaller fluke being pursued by a larger fluke.Was surprised at how well it casts.Kind of a twitch-twitch-pause retrieve with both flukes darting about in close proximity.Caught 7 LMB and several pickeral and crappie along outside weedline in 6-8 ft.Most of the hits occur during the pauses.
  13. Thanks for the invite Shane.Taking my daughter to the airport after work this friday and if I get out at all it will probably be for just a short time on Turee.Would love to try some other ponds though.Due to work I usually can't get out till after 5pm on weekdays.Hope you catch a nice chunky full moon bass tomorrow!
  14. Nice meeting you MARK.Had a lot of fun fishing with you.Although we boated only 1LMB with the c-rig,it was really cool when you spotted those 3 bass underneath that ledge.I miscalculated and should have had you tossing that lizard before we got that close to the ledge.We'll get those guys the next time.I have learned much from Shane and other forum members as will you.If you get the chanch to go out with Shane,go for it.He is a virtual textbook on bassfishing.
  15. Nice job saucy.Those are some chunky fish!
  16. Nice job Wagn.Sounds like a great trade-off,a decrease in boat control for an increase in bass production.
  17. beautiful LMB Shane!Rage tail+Shane=Big BASS!
  18. Nice job Jaystraw.Fishing in the wind can be a double-edged sword.Boat and lure control can be very challenging in a strong wind.Despite the wind you had a good day.I hesitate to take my rowboat on windy days but often have success when I do. Today the wind was blowing very hard all day on Turee pond.I arrived at 6pm and the wind was still coming pretty hard from the NW.I found LMB along the shoreline that had been pounded by the wind all day.I landed 4 bass in 15 min. on t-rigged senkos.The largest was 20 inches long,my biggest of the year so far.
  19. Glad to see you back in action Brennan.Those are beautiful fish!
  20. That is one fine LMB Derek.Great job on both size and numbers!
  21. I can attest to the fact that Nick spent well over 1.5hrs dragging the bottom of Turee with a homemade grappling hook before he "caught" his rod and reel and then proceeded to catch several LMB.The man is a fishing savant!
  22. Mind-boggling Wagn!This was the "perfect storm" of fishing.The memory of this outing will fortify and give you hope on those days when not even the bugs are biting.
  23. Forgot to give kudos to Wagn in prior post.Think I was suffering from "baked brain syndrome" after a long day on Turee!
  24. Nice job Fmoore and Jaystraw.Whatever you guys have must be contagious.17 LMB today on Turee pond on senkos.This fishing was "up close and personal".All were caught in tiny coves and inlets.The largest were about 2.5 lbs. I lost 2 more that were bigger but I hooked them in a small cove and those bass essentially outmuscled and outmaneuvered me.It was no contest but I had a ball!
  25. Nice fish Yakfish and Jaystraw.Good night on Turee pond. 8 LMB on senkos.Most of those caught by my friend Tyler in and around lilypads.Nice job Tyler!
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