Hey Chris, I really like the way you think! Your situation mirrors mine, except mine was 26 years ago. I was 28, had a new F150 and a new 375. no kids, a high paying job with flexible hours/ days. Plus I lived in a run down old cabin a half mile from the lake that most dogs wouldn't live in. I fished my first tourney in 1981, my last in 1992, and many in between.
I remember that from '85 to '88 I spent 100 grand of my own money on chasing the dream, Red Mans, PBFA, BASS Div. 2, and club tourneys.
Several years later I came to my senses and got out of that game to fish on my own time schedules at the lakes I chose.
The best decision in my life I ever made.
I didn't have any sponsors, the only thing I had going for me is that I was a hang around/ errand boy a a bass boat dealer and got most of my work for close to free, or parts only.
The biggest part of my wet dream was that I wanted to stand up on that podium with a shirt on that had only one name on it, MINE. And I didn't want any cheesy decals plastered on my boat either. If I got there, like yourself, I wanted to do it all on my own.
Some people are under the impression that sponsors are there to finance your fishing endeavours, and are a "must have". It's a 2 way street, they give you something, then you owe them something. I would imagine pleasing a half dozen or more sponsors could chew up a fair amount of time that could be spent fishing, then there was the problem for me that you had present yourself a certain way, dress and act a certain way, and watch what you say in public. I don't think so!
I've been out of the game for so long, I don't really know what sponsorship is and does nowadays, but I would think in a tour like the FLW that there are a lot of guys that are flashing sponsors, but are only getting some free line, rods and reels and lures. I would venture to guess that guys getting trucks, boats and paid entry fees are not the majority. I'm sure there are still a lot of guys spending tons of their own cash ,and struggling with employers to get time off for travel, practice & tourney time.
Like I said, this is only an assumption on my part, I don't really know anymore, or care. My only other dream was retiring before age 50 to do nothing but fish. I did it several years ago at age 48, now I'm really livin the dream.